Problems with imageset with WP nextgen gallery

Forums Forums Slimbox2 plugin Problems with imageset with WP nextgen gallery

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    When the autoload feature is activated, the imageset in the nextgen gallery does not work. It only works when the autoload feature is disabled. I’m using


    Please advice. Thanks <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    I am using a temp fix by disabling the autoload feature so that nextgen gallery works. Then I use the add lightbox plugin ( to add the rel link to other images so that it works "automatically".

    I think the problem might be a conflict with the nextgen as nextgen also automatically inserts the rel link, so maybe when the autoload feature is enabled, something went wrong?


    This is something I’ve been trying to come up with an elegant solution for, though ultimately switching to my temporary solution is probably better than leaving it with it’s current solution which basically leaves you with either using rel="lightbox" or auto-loading on image links.

    The problem with this fix, though, is that I believe it might occasionally create issues, though, where an image is picked up by two function calls, instead of just the one…

    Dunno if that made any sense, your current solution is probably the best one for now, but if you want try it you could try this in the slimbox2_autoload.js.php:
    [code:2nzgnkqe]if (get_option(‘wp_slimbox_autoload’) == ‘on’)
    $autoLoad = ‘$("a[href]").filter(function() {
    return /.(jpg|png|gif)(?[dw=&]*)?$/i.test(this.href);
    }).slimbox(‘.$options.’, null, function(el) {
    return (this == el) || ($(this).parents(", div#page")[0] && ($(this).parents(", div#page")[0] == $(el).parents(", div#page")[0]));
    $autoLoad = ‘$("a[rel^=‘lightbox’]").slimbox(‘.$options.’, null, function(el) {
    return (this == el) || ((this.rel.length > 8) && (this.rel == el.rel));
    [code:2nzgnkqe]$autoLoad = ‘$("a[rel^=‘lightbox’]").slimbox(‘.$options.’, null, function(el) {
    return (this == el) || ((this.rel.length > 8) && (this.rel == el.rel));
    if (get_option(‘wp_slimbox_autoload’) == ‘on’)
    $autoLoad .= ‘$("a[href]").filter(function() {
    return /.(jpg|png|gif)(?[dw=&]*)?$/i.test(this.href);
    }).slimbox(‘.$options.’, null, function(el) {
    return (this == el) || ($(this).parents(", div#page")[0] && ($(this).parents(", div#page")[0] == $(el).parents(", div#page")[0]));
    It may, however, create other issues.


    Right, so I shall stick with my temp fix by using the 2 plugins combined at the moment then until a fix has been created. Thank you. <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    This problem has been fixed in the latest version. Thank you so much! <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    I’m glad it was fixed!

    There’s a slight chance one of the fixes I just put into version 1.0.1 will break it again…if that’s the case, please let me know, as I think I now know how to fix it for you (using the new selector option).


    ^ I tested out the latest version of 1.0.1 with Next-Gen Gallery. It works perfectly fine, both gallery and posts. Thank you so much for the update!

    By the way, thanks for taking the suggestion of using the a title tag as a caption as well. <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

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