include pages into the 2nd menu

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    How to include only certain pages into the 2nd menu (suckerfishnav_2)?

    Thank you!


    It works the same way as it does for the first menu.

    If you include them in ‘Pages’ or ‘Pages (single dropdown’) then they will be removed from those dropdowns.

    There isn’t any way to use those menu items with two different menus and include seperate pages in each.

    To do that you would need to use the custom code option/s.


    yes I used this in custom field but it didn’t work.

    <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=&include=18,20’); ?>

    What am I doing wrong?


    Is this what you put in the custom code field?
    <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=&include=18,20’); ?>

    The custom code is for HTML, not PHP.


    Yes that’s what I pasted in the custom field <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />
    Actually is there way to view only certain pages in the 2nd menu with dropdown effect by using dynamic function (either it is pixopoint_menu() or <?php wp_list_pages(); ?>)?


    This (with appropriate wrapper tags) would do it:
    [code:oxnxg855]<?php wp_list_pages(‘include=4,25,7’); ?>[/code:oxnxg855]


    Thank you!
    I just thought that when I include parent pages, it will automatically include their descendants.


    No, apparently not. To be honest I didn’t realise that until recently and was surprised when people started reporting back on that functionality.

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