404Not Found errors on js.php

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    So I was going through Firebug NET console, and looking for things that were slowing down my site. Noticed 2 things with multi-level-nav. Not biggies, but it did try to find these files for 4 secs.

    GET /hoverIntent.js.php?ver=r5
    GET /superfish_settings.js.php?ver=1.0

    I went through the options panel and did not see anything that jumped out at me that I need to change. Everything still works, there is just that delay in loading, and did not want to mess things up more by going in and trying to edit anything.


    Is this built in stylesheet working?

    Sounds like a problem with your server as I assume it isn’t serving the files correctly hence the errors. This problem afflicts the built in stylesheet too, hence I’m wondering if that isn’t working either.

    If you just deactivate the animations, keyboard accessibility options etc. the files won’t be called and hence you won’t see any errors.


    I have my css in my custom.css, same as I have the last 4-6 months. I have everything on the settings page UNCHECKED, Sensitivity to Average, 200 ms for mouseover, and normal for speed of fade in? Can I turn those last 2 off?

    For fixing CSS bug, I have it set to disabled, as I said everything works, just that little slow down I am sure is not intended.

    OK while writing this I went in and removed 200 for ms, and it appears that "Turns it off" But I decided to still post this for future reference for others. Strange though I don’t see a difference with it on or off, still looks good.


    malcalevak – I think we need to write up some sort of thorough explanation of the exact problem we are seeing and post it out to a bunch of PHP experts and see if they figure out what the heck is going on here. It seems ridiculous that a server can’t just serve a file correctly. I’ve shown the script to PHP people before and they all said it looked fine. And it does work fine, it just doesn’t work when wp-blog-header.php is called.

    The WP Hackers mailing list may be a good target for this, or WPTavern.com. I tried SitePoint.com, but I don’t think they knew enough about WordPress there to help unfortunately.

    If we can get someone to give us an FTP account and a WordPress install to play with, that might help too.
    Is anyone out there who has this bug able to give us this much access? We don’t need/want access to your live site, but if you can setup a sub-domain with a seperate FTP account and a database that would be perfect! Then we could mess around to our hearts content without fear of breaking anything.

    "Jay Myers" wrote:
    Can I turn those last 2 off?

    Yes, in fact they are probably not working correctly anyway due to the bug … particularly in IE.


    My site

    Sorry if I was not very clear earlier, but I did work around this my removing the 200 ms on mouseover, and put speed effect to Instant. I should say at least do not have the 404 now.

    I checked the physical files in the directory, and they are there, and the permissions are set to readable.

    I am on Godaddy shared hosting, Linux, 5.X I would have no problem giving you an FTP access, if that would really help. I do not run Slimbox, and just call the built-in WP thickbox. Let me know how I can help.


    Hi Jay,
    FTP access would be great, that way we can try and iron out this stupid problem.

    I do have a vague idea of setting up the plugin in a different way, so that it writes files to the disk, but that is another whole can of worms and avoiding that would be good if possible.


    I noticed this 404 error has been gone for some time, but what can we do about the load times? I have noticed that /hoverIntent.js.php?ver=r5 and superfish_settings.js.php?ver=1.0 take about 9 seconds total to load.  What can I do just to get drop downs and I don’t care about visual effect?

    Also I have been using multi-nav since it was suckerfish, I am trying to clean things up, and I call it from
    // Suckerfish output
    if (function_exists(‘suckerfish’))
    add_action(‘thesis_hook_after_title’, ‘suckerfish’);
    in my custom_functions.php (that is Thesis Themes file, but when I go and try to pull it it pixopoint_menu instad I get a php error, what else am I forgetting to change?


    OK I have been looking at some of the other users pages and I have discovered something on most, they are not loading hoverintent at all, and their superfish_settings file loads in ms’ not seconds like mine. Now I am totalling thing I am missing something…


    Some peoples server setups seem to take a really long time to load the scripts. To combat these issues I’ve added caching into the latest test version. It isn’t officially released yet as I haven’t confirmed everything in it is working yet, but you can download it from here: https://geek.hellyer.kiwi/forum/http://local … 4410#p4410

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