How do you fit the drop down menu into a certain area of my template!

Forums Forums Menus How do you fit the drop down menu into a certain area of my template!

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  • #582

    Hi guys,

              My site is and as you can see I have added as per the instructions from this site:

    <?php if (function_exists(‘suckerfish’)) {suckerfish();} ?>

    into my header.php file of my default theme but it only will appear at the top left as seen.

    I want it to fit perfectly in the "black table region"
    just under MSCMS. How do I do that?

    In other words

    1) Where in my header.php file do I insert this code

    2) How can I make sure it fits perfectly within that region.

    I am assuming some sort of manipulation of the .css file.

    Your help is greatly appreciated;

    You can log into my ftp account. I don’t mind as I am just experimenting with WP. I will be converting my existing site based on Dreamweaver into a web 2.0 version soon so I want to learn WP.

    My ftp coordinates are;

    user: mcmaax
    password: digital

    Your help is greatly appreciated!


    Toronto, Canada


    I luckily had a <div class="navbar"> which was a dead giveaway, so I replaced all my theme’s navigation inside those div tags with the suckerfish function.

    It turned out the be the last div in the header. So if you can finger original nav code, leave it there and add suckers function before the </div> and you might/should get two navs, the orig and suckerfish.

    Then delete the first. That’s how I found where.

    Read this post where I sort of mention your formatting/fitting problem by adding to the theme’s style.css … ic.php?t=9


    I tried visiting in case it had your menu on it, but it just spat out an error.

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