Coding issues

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  • #55

    Hey Ryan – this seems like a great plugin. However, I’ve tried for hours trying to custom modify the CSS and playing around with the location of the PHP entry – and just can’t get it to display right. I finally did get the ‘hover’ fore-ground text color to display correctly by adding a ‘a:hover’ CSS section with the correct color. But as far as the main problem, I’m 99% sure that the problem is because of our template’s header ‘menu’ constraints and etc. – however I’m not sure how to change it to fix the problem.

    It basically, most of the time, will not display the ’sub-pages’. The only sub-pages I have right now are under ‘Media’ – which are ‘Audio Sermons’ and ‘Video Sermons’. I’ve got it to semi-work by playing with the location of the PHP and putting it BEFORE the Main Menu section (and the drop-down displays semi-correctly) – but most of the time, when put it between where the normal menu section’s ’s are, it doesn’t display the sub-page under Media. Also, even when I have got it to display the sub-page, it would not ‘overlap’ the section underneath it (as if it’s something to do with the section’s constraints that it won’t let it drop-down and overlap like 1morechapter’s does above).

    Hopefully this is fairly clear. I can correspond via email too if it’s easier – and/or instant messenger. Let me know if you can help – as I’d really like to use your plugin. Thanks.


    I prefer to communicate here on the blog so that others can see the solutions/process to fix such problems.

    The first error I can see is that you have placed the [code:1yczimj1]<?php suckerfish(); ?>[/code:1yczimj1] code inside UL tags. Remove the UL tags and that should fix some problems.

    I’m checking the rest of it now as there seems to be some other problems as well.


    You are applying some styles via the #menu DIV tag which is surrounding it. Try removing the styles or the DIV and the menu will be able to drop down.

    Then you have another problem as although the menu is then able to drop down, it’s dropping down behind the main content box. Try removing the position:relative from the following in your CSS. Hopefully removing it doesn’t mess your layout up. But it should fix the inability of the menu to hover above the main content.

    [code:32fmwnjq].CON {
    background: #fff url(images/BGC.gif) repeat-y center;
    width: 1000px;
    float: left;
    position: relative;
    padding: 0px}[/code:32fmwnjq]

    Also, I’ve taken a look at your style.css file and I see that you’ve added the suckerfish CSS code to it. That will be quite an awkward way to modify the style of the dropdown as those styles are replaced by the built-in style sheet which comes with the plugin. If you want to modify the CSS of the dropdown, it’s easiest to modify the suckerfish.css file for this reason.

    Plus you have two [code:32fmwnjq]</body>[/code:32fmwnjq] tags in your HTML, this doesn’t seem to be causing any problems, but would be good idea to fix anyway in case there are some unknown problems associated with doing that. Plus your code won’t validate.

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