jQuery error with WordPress menu plugin

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    I’m using the latest multi-level-menus WordPress plugin and I’m getting an error when loading my site in both IE and Firefox.  Using version 1.6 RC2.

    The following is from Firefox’s error console:

    jQuery("ul.sf-menu").superfish is not a function

    http://www.visit-nc.com/wp-content/plug … hp?ver=1.0

    Line 6

    I am using this URL to stage a new wordpress site while keeping the live site untouched.  Once all bugs are out, I will be moving it to the correct domain.  Not relevant to the problem report, but that’s why you see movierental.com info on visit-nc.com.


    As an update, I downloaded the MS script debugger and it is the same error in IE7.


    FYI, I found that this was caused by an incompatibility with another plugin.  When I disabled the pb-embedFlash at http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/pb-embedflash/

    When I disabled that plugin there are no more errors.


    The problem is probably caused by the pb-embedflash plugin not using enqueue scripts. This is also a problem in the current stable version of the multi-level navigation plugin, but after receiving lots of complaints I’ve eventually corrected in the latest RC.

    Perhaps let the plugin developer know about the problem and they’ll fix it for you … assuming that is the problem.


    Thanks.  Yeah, it looks like they know about it because they’ve put options in their settings page like "Load JavaScript framework with Shadowbox? (Choose "No" if another plugin already loads it.)"

    I chose No and re-enabled it and both plugins work without error now.


    Excelllent. I used a similar method until malcalevak showed me how to implement the enqueue scripts correctly.

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