Mult-level Navigation plugin Release Candidate

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    [size=3:x2nneesd][b:x2nneesd]This version is now the official release[/b:x2nneesd][/size:x2nneesd]


    Since this particular version is no longer under development his topic has been locked. A new version will probably released shortly with further improvements. A new topic will be opened when that version is ready for public consumption.

    Thanks to all those who helped out with the development <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    [b:x2nneesd]Attached is a new beta version of the Multi-level Navigation Plugin.[/b:x2nneesd]

    Demo …

    There are a lot of changes in this new version. I’ve tested it extensively and it has been used on a few live sites including [iurl=][/iurl] and I can’t find any problems. Assuming no more bugs show up this will hopefully be uploaded to the WordPress plugins repository as the new stable version by the 20th January.

    [b:x2nneesd]Here is a list of the various changes between 1.0.7 and this version.[/b:x2nneesd]

    * Changed menu option names from ‘blogroll’ to ‘links’ along with some other minor naming changes to make things more obvious to new users of the plugin

    * Added support for blogroll/links categories as a menu option

    * Added ability to include as well as exclude specific pages or categories from the menu

    * Total redesigned of the admin interface

    * Added support for changing wp-content/plugins folder

    * Added option in admin panel to allow users to change between their own themes CSS and the plugin CSS (for themes designed for the Multi-level Navigation Plugin.<br

    * Added support for hover delay

    * Added uninstall system. When plugin is deleted via the WordPress admin panel, it automatically removes the database info added by the plugin.

    * Added improved keyboard accessibility scriptj which uses jQuery. Script courtesy of malcalevak.

    * Removed need to tick enable animations box. You now just need to change the speed of the menu.

    * Changed function calls from suckerfish() to pixpoint_menu() as very few people know what a ‘suckerfish’ is.

    * Added ‘recommended plugins’ section in admin page

    * Added FAQ section in admin page

    * Added sensitivity option in admin page

    * Added mousein delay option in admin page

    * Added maintenance mode

    Thanks to malcalevak[/url:x2nneesd] for massive help with development of this version.


    I’m dying here.  I downloaded your newest version and think it’s great.  Only one question….how do I change the name on the menu to something else?
    Example: if I want to change "Pages" to "Photos" on the menu tab.
    I’m testing it here:
    I think this is probably the best multi-level navigation bar offered and I would really like to get it fully functional.  Thanks for all your hard work. 


    Did you actually look at the settings page?

    Settings->Multi-level Navigation->Menu Contents
    In the Modifications sections you’ll see a "Pages" text box, just type in "Photos" there and hit "Update Options".


    Thanks malcalevak <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    Kent – the process to change the titles is the same in the stable version and this new beta.

    Apparently the new admin pages aren’t working very well in IE7. I’ll fix that another day.


    There is a potential bug which prevents the menus from displaying in IE6 … … ic.php?t=7

    If you turn of the animated menus and anything else which requires jQuery it should work as expected.

    I’m not sure what the problem is but I’ll fix it before the next release.


    It seems I had the forum setup incorrectly. If any of you have been staring at this page trying to find the link to download the new beta then you presumably weren’t registered/logged in.

    Guests were not able to see post attachments, however I’ve corrected that now and you should be able to see and download the attachment under the post.

    Sorry for any confusion!


    First, thanks for this great plugin!

    I’m trying to disable the mousein-delay since a few hours without succes. In superfish_settings.js.php I added the option "disableHI: true" and in hoverIntend.js I changed "interval" and "timeout" to 1…now the delay is shorter but stil noticeable.

    Any hints?

    Greetz Patrick


    Thanks for this great plugin!

    I’m trying since hours to deactivate the fade-in and fade-out animation. So I set "disableHI: true" in superfish_settings.js.php and "interval:1,timeout:1" in hoverIntent.js but nothing worked. Fade-in is faster but still noticeable. Fade-out is the same as default.

    Has somebody any hints to "fix" this?


    Edit: no problems any more! the problem was my css which contained things like

    #suckerfishnav li[id~=page_item] {
        text-align: center;

    #suckerfishnav li[id~=page_item]:hover {
        text-align: center;

    <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    this wasn’t perfect for performance *g*


    Thanks for the input. The Superfish is Malcalevak’s area of expertise so I’ll let him take a look at these first.

    I’ll have a new version uploaded soon – it won’t fix any of those problems though.

    EDIT: I think you can alter the mousein delay in superfish_settings.js.php. The code probably isn’t in there though, perhaps try looking on the main Superfish site for some more info.


    I’ve added version 1.5.8 Beta to the first post of this page.

    In the source code is a test version of a drag and drop system, however this may not actually make into the next release.

    The function calls have been changed from suckerfish() to pixopoint_menu(). This is because most of the people who use it seem to have no idea in the slightest what a ‘suckerfish’ is and gets really difficult trying to help people who keep referring to the ‘suckerfish’ not working when it is actually something entirely different which is causing the problem. Plus it helps for branding purposes.

    To display a second menu, you can now use pixopoint_menu(2). For the initial menu, you can use pixopoint_menu() or pixopoint_menu(1).

    A ‘recommended plugins’, custom code tip and FAQ section have been added tot he admin page.

    The plugin now outputs different HTML if a theme is designed to integrate directly with the plugin – to prevent CSS clashes.

    [b:2v9riucq]Things left to do:[/b:2v9riucq]

    * Check that the Superfish is working in IE7 – someone reported that it wasn’t working for them.

    * Get the shadow system working.

    * Add an option to change the mousein time

    * Probably some more things which I’ve forgotten about

    Hopefully we can get this to RC status soon and have it in the WP plugins repository for everyone to use.

    &quot;haggis&quot; wrote:
    I’m trying since hours to deactivate the fade-in and fade-out animation

    Did you try changing the ‘Speed of fade-in effect’ to ‘instant’ in the admin panel?


    [quote:u9rzm0rh]I’m trying to disable the mousein-delay since a few hours without succes. In superfish_settings.js.php I added the option "disableHI: true" and in hoverIntend.js I changed "interval" and "timeout" to 1…now the delay is shorter but stil noticeable.

    I’m working on this right now. I should have a new plugin which fixes this within the next hour … if things go to plan


    Version 1.5.9 now attached to the first post of this topic.

    As of version 1.5.9 you can change the mousein delay time via the admin page. I’ve also added a ‘sensitivity’ option so that you can control whether the dropdown won’t display if the mouse is being waved around like crazy.


    Oops, it seems I messed up the sensitivity option, it doesn’t work at all.


    Version 1.5.10 now attached to the initial post. It has an improved sensitivity option.

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