New 1.4.10 Beta/Alpha from malcalevak

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    Ok, hopefully <a href="">this</a> will bump up some of the problems encountered with my last release, as well as with anyone trying to use Ryan’s alpha’s.

    In brief:
    Re-added code needed for <IE7 if you don’t have animations turned on.
    Removed separate keyboard navigation – if you want keyboard navigation turn on animations, it’s built in.
    Using sfhover class across the board, not sfHover.
    jQuery usage is limited to the superfish plugin which is only used when you enable animations.
    The speed, arrow mark-up, and drop shadow settings will only work if animations are turned on.
    Ryan had configured the plugin to use two menu’s, if temporarily dropped it back to one in an effort to rewrite the code to support as many as you want.
    I’ve removed the delay setting that Ryan had added in one of the alphas, though I do plan to implement it if you use animations.

    Check the old 1.3.3 thread to see what all Ryan and I last attempted to add. If I didn’t mention removing it up above, I believe those features are still there.

    Basically my thinking is the basic menu will have no JS, except as necessary to work in <IE7. If you want more features you’ll use superfish and decide what all you want. If Ryan wants to add some additional non-superfish features, that’ll be his call since it’s his plugin.

    As always, post problems you encounter. This is the version I’m running on my live site,, but I’ve got animations, normal speed, drop shadows and arrow mark-up enabled. I did test it with that disabled, though, in IE 6, so it should work.

    Happy New Year!


    I just realized that the superfish script has a built in 800ms delay, so if you’re using that script by enabling animations it will automatically have the delay. I might make this configurable in the future though, and there’s still the matter of if it will be put in as a simpler setting as well.


    This bit is pointless:
    [code:1695sete]if ($_REQUEST[’uninstall’] == ‘on’) {require(‘uninstall.php’);}[/code:1695sete]

    That is leftover from before I figured out how the uninstall script was supposed to work. I must have forgotten to remove it.


    Thanks for doing all my work for me by the way <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    I’m thinking it might be a good idea for me to plow ahead with the current plugin. Get it working, get it beta tested by as many people as possible and hopefully have it posted in the plugin repository. Then start adding more features later.


    Interesting comment in your source about enqueuing scripts in IE conditional comments. I suspect it probably isn’t possible.


    Actually, engueueing them should be easy. Just echo the conditional comments as per normal, then enqueue it as per normal. It will display the script inside the conditional comments unless another plugin is using it. Then there will just be some blank conditional commments there, but that’s probably having the same script loaded twice.


    Does the word ‘init’ that you use in the scripts mean ‘intialisation’?

    I’ve changed suckerfish_init.js.php to superfish_settings.js.php in my own install as it sets up the various settings for the Superfish script.


    Yes regarding the init. Regarding the enqueueing deal, I’m 90% certain that’s not gonna work, but you can try it and find out.

    And regarding the uninstall, you’ll have to pass along how to properly do it, since yeah, I just copied it over.


    You already had the uninstall working fine. It’s just that you don’t need that extra code for it to work. As long as there is an uninstall.php file in there WordPress will do it by itself.

    And yep, you were right, it didn’t work at all <img decoding=” title=”Sad” /> No problems though, we can just do it as per normal I spose.


    Unless there’s another javascript loaded that defines a function as sfHover I don’t think you’ll get a conflict. Of course, there might be a reasonable chance that at least a few people are running another plugin defined as such.

    My recommendation would be to give it a unique function name, like multileveliefix or something that is not going to be used by anyone else.

    At least, if my understanding of how it all works is correct that’s what I’d suggest.


    It doesn’t need a function name. Just an IF statement to check if Superfish is being used or not (since it isn’t needed when Superfish isn’t running).


    I think you misunderstood me.

    The reason you get javascript conflicts most of the time is because you have two different things attempt to use the same name.

    suckerfish_ie.js, when called, declares sfHover equal to a function, and then attaches it to the onload event. If another script declares a variable named sfHover you’d get a conflict and one of them wouldn’t work right. My suggestion was to change the name to something unique other then sfHover.

    Admittedly you’d get this problem regardless of if you enqueued the script or not.


    Everything said, I think you’re right about getting the current set ironed out, beta tested, and a final release.

    Maybe let me take a look at the code once you’re done cleaning it up?

    In the mean time I’ll look into the deal about registering plugins so the release will be ready for WP 2.8


    Thanks <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    And yep, I’ll post new plugins here as I get them done. I should have something quite usable ready shortly.

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