Problems in WordPress 2.7 RC1

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  • #482

    Hi Ryan,

    There’s a very simple problem with this plugin in WordPress 2.7.

    In the administrative panel, the format is now a bit more narrow.  Consequently, the advanced options display all the way to the right, way outside of the visible range of the page.  (On my monitor anyway.)  This makes it very difficult to edit custom menu items, since I can’t see what I’m typing.  I just checked and apparently this is only a problem in Firefox, but it might make the plugin look a bit broken to those who are newly downloading it. 

    You will probably want to alter the admin interface to display these options below menu contents and above installation, instead of next to menu contents.


    Oops, thanks for that. I checked the plugin worked in 2.7, but probably didn’t make more way to that particular part of the admin page.

    I’ll try to get a new version uploaded this evening.


    They seem to have removed the float clearing off their default H2 CSS. I don’t recall this being the case in the earlier builds of WP 2.7. They’ve been doing a lot of CSS work behind the scenes recently to add support for IE6, so I suspect this is a byproduct of that. I wouldn’t be surprised if a few other plugins have admin page problems due to this. Any H2’s which rely on being cleared of any floated items above will look quite messed up.

    Thanks for the bug report <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> I include a link on … her_notes/ for anyone who helps out with the development of the plugin. If you have a link you woud like added then let me know and I’ll add it to the next release.

    This was an easy fix, so a new version should be available very shortly.


    Bug fixed. New version 1.0.7 is now available.

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