Suckerfish and coda slider bug

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    I was wondering if anyone else has had an issue when using a theme with coda slider and having suckerfish enabled for the menus?

    When I enable suckerfish, my coda slider stops working .

    Any suggestions?


    Yes, that is probably caused by a bug in the way the plugin implements jQuery.

    malcalevak helped create a new beta plugin which irons out this problem …

    There are a few bugs in it yet, but it may be worth trying until a new official version is released.

    If changing to the new plugin doesn’t help, or if you didn’t have the animated Superfish option activated (which is what uses jQuery in the plugin) then let me know and I’ll take a closer look at what the problem may be.

    Ronnie Myers

    The reply to this message may be better suited for the beta-testing string.

    I have introduced the beta files in to the plugin and my problem is almost completely resolved!

    It seems to be working (i.e. dropdowns are animated on all pages except the home page, which is where the coda slider is located) 

    It does not prevent the slider from operating, but it doesn’t animate the dropdowns on that page either. 

    I am not certain if this was the intended result or not, but I thought it might be important information.

    to see what I am talking about, go to:

    i set you up with a temp admin login if you want to see the plugin from the admin panel.  Please feel free to dig around and get any info you need.

    user:  pixo
    pass:  betapass

    I will delete that just before we go live since its public now and all.


    Ronnie Myers

    btw, I did modify the css and am continuing to modify it,  but I don’t think the css is the issue.


    I think the problem is caused by the way they’ve used jQuery. This is the same reason the current stable version of our plugin does not work well with other jQuery scripts.

    They have this on the page:
    [code:29ip9wtm]<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

    But the following script is being called by our plugin:
    [code:29ip9wtm]<script type=’text/javascript’ src=’′></script>

    Assuming this is indeed the problem … a quick fix would be to remove that line of code from the coda slider plugin. Or even better, you could ask the plugin author to fix the error in the plugin. Here is a handy link on how to enque Javascripts for WordPress … … -or-theme/

    I had a nightmare of a time trying to fix this problem in our plugin, but thankfully malalevek seems to have ironed out those bugs for me <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> Most plugins are much easier to implement it with though, for some reason the Superfish plugin didn’t behave well with the built in WordPress version.


    Hey hey…I was just writing a similar post myself and about to say that I’m reasonably certain the fault is in the theme on demand, but then it told me someone has posted something new!

    My coding recommendation would be to try this:
    Go into the theme editor, select header-home.php and replace:
    <script src="<?php bloginfo(‘template_url’); ?>/scripts/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


    This will ensure only the WordPress included version of jQuery is loaded….I think. I’m not entirely sure where in a theme one should really put javascript file loads (in the plugin you had to do something special), so it’s possible the wp_enqueue_script function won’t work there. If it doesn’t…you could just paste the url( … ?ver=1.2.6), I think a JS file will only load once even if called twice, so long as the url is the same one…

    I would say just comment it out, unfortunately the theme utilizes other scripts that require jQuery be loaded, and since the theme scripts appear to be called before the plugin scripts commenting it out would kill them…

    Like Ryan says, though, assuming we’re correct and it is On Demand’s fault, you should ask them to fix it (especially since I see it costs a bit of money)


    You should be able to do wp_enqueue scripts in the functions.php file of the theme (create one if it doesn’t already exist) then make sure the script is added to the wp_head() function. I’m pretty sure it’s the plugins fault though, not the theme. Usually the plugin would add the javascript via the wp_head() function rather than requiring it to be in the theme itself.


    Let’s see if I can figure out the fancy code tags…

    Take note of where the conflicting jQuery is loading from:
    [code:3u8gn8d4]<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

    It’s a theme, not a plugin, hence my statement. The code slider appears to be embedded in the theme.

    Unfortunately…looking at the JS available more closely…the coda.slider.js itself doesn’t appear to be written in a way that supports deconfliction (to avoid clashes between jQuery and prototype). This complicates matters further…

    I think I know the changes to make, but this is ultimately looking more and more like an issue the theme developer needs to resolve, unless you want to do extensive coding.

    Ronnie Myers

    Yes, the coda slider is embedded into the theme,  and more and more I am seeing the exact same thing Malcalevak. 

    I have e-mailed the ondemand creators, and the good people at panic and informed them of the problem,  and the second they give me a bug fix, I will post it here.

    Thanks a ton you guys!



    Not a problem. Hopefully (assuming we’re been correct in diagnosing the problem) they’ll fix the issue and more people will be able to benefit from increased compatibility when they use ondemand.


    Hopefully they can iron out the bugs for you.

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