IE7 dropdown hidden behind DIV- works fine in Firefox

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    Thanks for the great plugin.  I hope to start using it regularly once I master it’s use in my website.

    I download the Multi-level menu plugin about a week ago so I’m assuming I’m using the latest version.

    First, the web url of the website I’m working on is .  The host is Enom, which apparently doesn’t support the style.php file.  It will only work when CSS inline styles is enabled and CSS plugin is disabled.  FYI.

    Second,the dropdown works perfectly in Firefox, but in IE the dropdown appears to be behind the main page wrapper DIV on my website.  After hours of working with my site CSS and the suckerfish CSS and searching on your forums, I decided to seek your help on this.  When you look at the CSS you may notice some extra properties scattered about that aren’t usually needed including z-index, overflow, and display.  These properties were incrementally added to the CCS as I went through the troubleshooting process.

    I’m assuming you’ll be able to view all of my HTML and CSS just by going to the site.  If you need me to send any of it to you, I’ll be more than happy to do so.

    Thank you very much in advance for your help.

    Very best,



    All I see is a landing page with no sign of a dropdown menu. Perhaps the default page setup by your web host?


    So sorry Ryan, should be


    Try removing these codes (and they’re corresponding closing </div> tags):
    [code:2y9gxr3e]<div id="Menu">
    <div id="MenuHolder">

    If that doesn’t work, then perhaps try removing one of them and leaving the other in place. Usually these sorts of problems are caused by the tags like this which are wrapped around the menu.


    I had read that in one of your other posts and already tried that.  I stripped out those DIVs and the navigation position moved up about 20px which revealed the dropdown menu more, but it was still "hiding" behind the <div id="WrapperPage">.  I’ve tried all my usually css tricks to try to prevent this from occurring, but I just can’t nail it down.  Any further thoughts?


    The problem was caused by the Multi-level Menu being contained within a relatively positioned DIV.  The dropdowns will not show outside of the DIV the "<?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();} ?>" code is contained within if it or any of it’s parent DIVS are set to position:relative; .  Also, the suckerfishnav, suckerfishnav ul CSS property must have a z-index set higher than any DIVs the dropdown will be appearing over, in my case z-index:111;  The z-index must be set regardless of whether you are using z-index values for any of your other DIVs.


    Glad to hear you got it working eventually.


    Thanks a lot …..I have been facing a similar problem. I have a div, like a header, this contained a drop down div. But this drop down div hid behind the page content. This happened in IE7 though it works well in IE 8. As you told i set a z-index for the header div and it works fine now. Thanks a lot.


    Glad to hear <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    I also had the same problem, with firefox though, and putting the z-index sorted that out for me. Thank you.


    Glad to hear you fixed your problem <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />



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