wordpress multilevel not working

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    hey guys, $100 to whomever can tell me/show me how to fix/run this plugin. it could be that my own css is messing with the plugin css. could be i don’t know how to read directions. i’m looking for an "ahh, i’m a dumbass" solution.

    when i activate the plugin and add the css to from the css generator and then do the Custom 1 setting and add my <ul> navigation, the whole nav disappears. i click/unclick "enable inline css" or/and "disable plugin css file" and i either get no navigation or a screwed up version of the list.

    i could sure use a hand.

    thanks in advance.

    right now i’ve got the header <?php?> code turned off. i’m just trying to add a dropdown to "products" and ‘gallery".



    This is a problem caused by a known bug in the plugin. If you navigate to http://www.capefearriverwood.com/wp-con … /style.php in Firefox, the style sheet occurs as expected. If you navigate to that same URL in IE7, an error occurs. This seems to be caused by some sort of error in the script which generates that file. I haven’t been able to sort out a fix for that particular file, but there are perfectly good work arounds which I’ll explain shortly …


    The easiest solution, although not very elegant, is to choose the ‘inline CSS’ option in the admin panel. This moves the CSS from that built in style sheet which is generated from the code you input into the admin panel to between <style> tags in the <head> section of your pages. This code is then added to every page load, which can in turn cause longer page loads.

    There is a better fix though …


    If you deactivate the style.php and untick the ‘inline CSS’ option (if it’s ticked already) in the advanced section of the plugins admin page.

    Then add the CSS which you entered into the plugin, directly into your themes style sheet, the menu should appear as expected.

    I’ll check what in your theme files needs to be changed too just to confirm that you don’t need to do any other theme edits. I’ll post back shortly with the results.


    I won’t get this fixed until later in the day. There is another problem, caused by the theme CSS causing all sorts of problems for the dropdown menu. Plus the menu needs to include graphical buttons which the plugin doesn’t support by default (that’s not possible to achieve in an automated way so needs to be done carefully by hand).


    On request of the topic creator, correspondence for this topic is now moving to email.


    thanks for helping me out on this.
    i’m sure it was the <table> that was causing the headache.
    sorry i couldn’t talk on the phone.
    email is best.
    thank you


    No problem. There was too much delay anyway, it makes talking difficult when you need to wait two seconds just before the person hears what you just told them!

    I like your site design, the menu looks pretty slick. Hopefully it will look even slicker with a nice dropdown menu in place <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    Thanks. Can’t wait to see it.


    It is now completed, email sent.

    I’m quite pleased with how it looks.


    ryan, i followed your instructions and it’s not working. thoughts? i’ve emailed you admin info to check the files. thank you.


    It is working now … http://capefearriverwood.com/

    And on rechecking your site, it looks like you’ve seen that and added the gallery menus too. It looks good, one of my favourite dropdowns so far.


    Now this is a beautiful menu..kudos


    thanks. and thanks to ryan.

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