Revolution Pro Media theme help $?

Forums Forums Menus Revolution Pro Media theme help $?

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    I am a noob when it comes to suckerfish and I have bought the RevPro theme and have a huge menu to create needing 3 levels

    I am cool with upgrading to premium and even paying someone to make the menu for me.
    I have already created the menu basically in their (revpro theme) regular drop down but it doesnt support grandchilds

    I dont have a ton of time to mess with the code as I have to recreate over 70 pages turning the html site into a wordpress blog

    I would rather not post the site publically but will in premium area  if I can get some help to construct (IE pay someone or does $50 cover that kind of help?)

    Thanks in advance



    Yes, for the US$50 I am happy to create your menu for you.

    If you want to change the look of the menu then you will need to let me know exactly what you want it to look like. Otherwise just post the code in the premium membership forum (or email it via our [iurl=]contact page[/iurl] if you want) and I’ll add support for grandchildren and any other features you want.

    I should be able to get it completed within 24 hours as long as I receive it before Sunday morning (NZ time). Otherwise it could potentially take a day or two longer – it probably won’t, but I don’t like to make promises and have to break them.

    If you post the code from your header.php file I can set it up to support the Multi-level Navigation plugin too so that you can have a little more control over the content of the dropdowns directly from your administration panel and add support for keyboard accessibility.

    The copies of the Revolution theme I’ve seen also add some pointless inline javascript into your themes header.php file which you should remove. That code necessary to trigger the dropdowns in old versions of IE, but is better off linked to via a separate javascript file inside IE conditional comments as there is no point in users downloading it if they aren’t using IE. The Multi-level navigation plugin does this automatically, but I’m happy to add it manually to your theme if you like.


    Wow thanks for the quick reply..I will upgrade to Premium ASAP

    I will either post or give you access to the admin


    All upgraded- see you soon


    Hi Ryan

    Sent you an email to your hotmail address with all the info inside



    Hi again premium what do I do

    I still dont have access to the premium area..or do it? I havent been sent a link etc etc

    Just let me know what I should do next..

    thanks <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />



    I’ll start work on it within a few hours and post back with the results.


    Thanks Ryan..and I am not adverse to throwing a few more deniros your way if it proves complicated

    I will be addin the grandchils as well
    The menu needs to be 4 levels



    To fix the problem of your dropdowns appearing underneath the YouTube video, you need to correct the awful HTML which YouTubes provides by default. I have no idea why YouTube provides such stupid code, but they do and it is quite annoying. Fortunately it’s not too hard to correct it.

    To fix it, add the following code between your OBJECT tags in the HTML which generates the YouTube video:
    [code:11rag9dc]<param name="wmode" value="transparent">[/code:11rag9dc]

    And add this to the EMBED tag:

    I got your current video working with the following code:
    <object width="300" height="250">
    <param name="wmode" value="transparent">
    <param name="movie" value=""></param>
    <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>
    <embed wmode="transparent" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="300" height="250"></embed>


    [b:27sp5hmk]Slightly off-topic:[/b:27sp5hmk] I stumbled across the following page a few minutes ago which automatically improves the code from YouTube …

    It unfortunately doesn’t add support for hovering items above it, but you can easily add that by adding <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> between the <object> tags like so:
    <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="width:300px; height:250px;" data="">
    <param name="wmode" value="transparent">
    <param name="movie" value="" />


    To fix your menu, you need to specify a height for the #navbar DIV tag like so:
    [code:2eg55ulz]#navbar {height: 41px;}[/code:2eg55ulz]

    You can either edit the style.css file which comes with your theme, or you could simply add it to the end of the CSS you added to the plugins admin page.

    I’ve also sent some instructions via email on how to change your header.php file to correct the rest of your problems.

    Essentially you just need to remove the <ul id="subnav"> tags and some of the codes which generate extra pages from the menu. The extra pages you have added (or came with the theme – I’m not sure) can be controlled via the plugin anyway, so there is no need to have them hard coded into the theme. I’ve provided copy and paste code for this in my last email though, so it should be fairly straight forward.

    If you would prefer me to do it for you, then let me know and I’ll log into your site and edit it through your admin panel for you.


    I think I am seriously ready to give up..I cannot get this menu to work

    I have wasted hours on this..anyone..anyone need some cash??

    <img decoding=” title=”Wink” />


    [quote:20929d4a]I have wasted hours on this..anyone..anyone need some cash??[/quote:20929d4a]

    Cash is always welcome and there is a donation button on the right which you are welcome to use. However I’ve done 99% of it already so there isn’t much left to pay me for. Plus you have already upgraded to premium support so I’m happy to keep helping till you get it working. I’ll post an example of the menu in action shortly so that you can see how it works.

    In case you missed it, here’s a repeat of the last paragraph of my post above:
    [quote:20929d4a]If you would prefer me to do it for you, then let me know and I’ll log into your site and edit it through your admin panel for you.[/quote:20929d4a]


    Here is an example of your site with the menu integrated …


    Oh my god..that looks great..did you post that code somewhere?

    Or were you still working on it and I was being impatient? <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    I can be that..and the Laitte’s dont help

    So can you go into my panel and do your magic?

    Dinner in Vancouver will also be included

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