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  • #365

    hi ryan

    sorry to be an absolute pain … whinging pom and all that … is there any way to centre the menu bar and shorten the nav bar … id say 80% would do it for most monitors …
    i have tried ‘float; center’ (not even sure if that is good php code)

    have a look at the site  now i have played with css and got the colours looking something like …

    thanks again for the plugin … best i have ever used … dagon mailer is good but blown out of the water with yours!




    You need to give the #suckerfishnav a fixed width, then use margin:0 auto to center it. Something like the following would work:

    [code:107u2ody]#suckerfishnav {width:500px;margin:0 auto}[/code:107u2ody]


    hi ryan

    have had a ‘bodge’ at the css … love hate relationship growing with css here … is it me or is css just not very ‘intuative’ …

    i now have

    #suckerfishnav, #suckerfishnav ul {
        border:1px solid #aaa;
        margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;


    i know this is incorrect but sort of works (on ie7 and this sized monitor … which is possibly a big issue) … please feel free to laugh at my feeble attempt

    there is now a gap of about 30px which i can not get rid of …

    any help (again) is muchly welcomed



    Your problem is caused because you didn’t use margin:0 auto like I suggested above.

    There are default margins automatically applied to lists, those margins include both top and bottom, so when you only specified left and right margins, without including the top and bottom then you were left with a gap.

    Changing the code you posted above to the following should do the trick:
    #suckerfishnav, #suckerfishnav ul {
        border:1px solid #aaa;
        margin:0 auto;

    Note that I also added a height to it, that will allow the background to show through which I’m assuming you wanted to happen.


    Ryan, I’m having the same problem, can’t center (right to left) the nav.
    Here is where I have the site temporarily.

    I’m using child theme for Thematic. I have nav css in commented out for now and am only using the pixo css from the M-L-M interface. Once I get it right I’ll put a copy of the pixo css in the style.css too. I read elsewhere that having it in both places eliminates a known bug.

    Can’t for the life of me get this thing to center. Your plugin is truly great, thanks.


    Adding the same CSS in two places does not help. If the CSS is not rendering at all on the page, then moving it to your themes CSS will fix that problem.

    I see that your main content has been shunted to the right. Did that happen before or after you tried to center the menu?


    The main content is to the right, right out of the box in Thematic. I didn’t touch that. Before I installed the Pixo M-L-M I had the navbar centered on the page. I can get the Pixo generated nav to do everything
    but center left to right.

    I moved the css from the M-L-M interface to the theme and still it does nothing. Is there a disconnect with the Pixo css and a child theme "style.css"?


    Ryan, Thanks for the help but I just had to de-activate it for now, couldn’t get it right. Will be back though, believe in this plug in.


    It looks like you have fixed the problem with your content being moved to the right hand side now.

    I don’t understand what you mean by "[i:39znan45]a disconnect with the Pixo css and a child theme ‘style.css’?[/i:39znan45]"

    The style.php file in the plugin grabs the CSS from your database which is modified via the plugins settings page. Adding the CSS to your theme file doesn’t do anything if you are also displaying it via your style.php file – unless the style.php file is not working.

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