IE7 bug

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    Like some others I’ve found an issue with IE7.  The plugin is fantastic and just what I was looking for.  It works great in Firefox, Opera and Safari but not, I’m afraid, in IE7.

    Problem is with third-level menu.  Top level is ok, second level shows up ok but third level appears somehow ‘detached’ from the rest – in my case it appears some distance to the right of where it should be.

    My site is under development at the moment and has ‘maintenance mode’ switched on but if you want to have a look I’m happy to switch it off


    removed formatting from around the php call and it’s now working.  Still need to do a tweak to get it looking right but hopefully now resolved


    These problems are almost always caused by CSS clashes with your theme. Removing any tags which may be affecting the menus CSS usually prevents any problems.

    Most issues are caused by placing the suckerfish() function inside your existing menus wrapper DIV. This causes all sorts of problems, most of which can’t be fixed without altering the CSS by hand or by removing the offending tags.


    I couldn’t strip all of the CSS from my site to accomodate this bug, so here’s my solution (for use on a site where the content is centered in divs):
    Right above where you call the menu, insert this code:

    [code:31ou5k0j]<!–[if IE 7]>
    #suckerfishnav li ul ul {
    #suckerfishnav li ul ul {

    The first "margin-left" should be set to 1/2 the width of your submenus, the second "margin-left" should be the full width of your submenus.

    The fist block fixes the IE7 issue, the second block (between the comment tags) is for Mozilla Firefox 3.

    I haven’t had the oppertunity to test on a mac yet, but would love to hear feedback from anyone who tries it.

    EDIT by Ryan: put code inside [html][code:31ou5k0j][/html] tags.[/code:31ou5k0j]


    Thanks for the input Regan.

    What are the <comment> tags for?

    I don’t recommend using this technique to align your menu as it is more of a hack than a solution to the problem. But I guess if it works, then it may be okay. You will need to be careful that it isn’t messing up other browsers in the process though.

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