No Dropdowns in IE6 v1.0.6

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  • #348

    The drop-downs don’t work at all when I use IE6. 

    My site is:

    I’m using the following css:

    {background:background:#000;font-size:10px;font-family:verdana,sans-serif;font-weight:bold; width:100%;}

    #suckerfishnav, #suckerfishnav ul

    #suckerfishnav a
    {display:block;color:#dddddd;text-decoration:none;padding:0px 10px;}#suckerfishnav li {float:left;padding:0;}

    #suckerfishnav ul
    {position:absolute;left:-999em;height:auto; width:151px;font-weight:normal;margin:0;line-height:1; border:0;border-top:1px solid #666666; }

    #suckerfishnav li li
    { width:149px;border-bottom:1px solid #666666;border-left:1px solid #666666;border-right:1px solid #666666;font-weight:bold;font-family:verdana,sans-serif;}

    #suckerfishnav li li a
    {padding:4px 10px; width:130px;font-size:12px;color:#dddddd;}

    #suckerfishnav li ul ul
    {margin:-21px 0 0 0px;}

    #suckerfishnav li li:hover

    #suckerfishnav li ul li:hover a, #suckerfishnav li ul li li:hover a, #suckerfishnav li ul li li li:hover a, #suckerfishnav li ul li li li:hover a 

    #suckerfishnav li:hover a, #suckerfishnav li.sfhover a

    #suckerfishnav li:hover li a, #suckerfishnav li li:hover li a, #suckerfishnav li li li:hover li a, #suckerfishnav li li li li:hover li a

    #suckerfishnav li:hover ul ul, #suckerfishnav li:hover ul ul ul, #suckerfishnav li:hover ul ul ul ul, #suckerfishnav li.sfhover ul ul,
    #suckerfishnav li.sfhover ul ul ul, #suckerfishnav li.sfhover ul ul ul ul 

    #suckerfishnav li:hover ul, #suckerfishnav li li:hover ul, #suckerfishnav li li li:hover ul,
    #suckerfishnav li li li li:hover ul, #suckerfishnav li.sfhover ul, #suckerfishnav li li.sfhover ul,
    #suckerfishnav li li li.sfhover ul, #suckerfishnav li li li li.sfhover ul 

    #suckerfishnav li:hover, #suckerfishnav li.sfhover


    I managed to fix the problem.  It was caused by conflicting onLoad events.

    This can be solved by changing the suckerfish_ie.js file to contain the following javascript code.

    //Added this function which removes issues with multiple onLoads.
    function addOnloadEvent(fnc){
      if ( typeof window.addEventListener != "undefined" )
        window.addEventListener( "load", fnc, false );
      else if ( typeof window.attachEvent != "undefined" ) {
        window.attachEvent( "onload", fnc );
      else {
        if ( window.onload != null ) {
          var oldOnload = window.onload;
          window.onload = function ( e ) {
            oldOnload( e );
          window.onload = fnc;

    //This function remains the same.
    sfHover = function() {

    var sfEls = document.getElementById("suckerfishnav").getElementsByTagName("LI");
    for (var i=0; i<sfEls.length; i++) {
    sfEls.onmouseover=function() {
    this.className+=" sfhover";
    .onmouseout=function() {
    this.className=this.className.replace(new RegExp(" sfhover\b"), "");

    //if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", sfHover);



    Thanks for input and glad to hear you have solved your problem.

    What was it conflicting with though?

    The suckerfish javascript I’m using isn’t my own code and I’m a little wary of messing with it since it seems to work quite well already. Do you know what the code you have removed does? Could there be any problems associated with removing it?

    I have very little knowledge of Javascript (ie: almost none).


    I am testing with an ie6 standalone and my nav doesn’t show any hover or dropdown effects (problem is only in ie6). Actually non of these sites do (including pixopoint) except for danz’ site:

    I’m trying to use danz’ javascript but it’s still not working for me. Perhaps there’s a problem with my ie6 standalone but danz’ site works and no other sites do.

    My temporary blog:


    You have a buggy standalone IE6 by the sound of it.

    The code on the site you said worked, has the following:
    [code:1zuifir9]<!–[if IE]><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><![endif]–>[/code:1zuifir9]

    So it is serving the javascript to ALL versions of IE including your standalone. The older versions of standalone IE6 identified themselves as whatever the current version you had installed was. So when the regular plugin code was used, the standalone did not load the javascript. Try upgrading your standalone to the latests one on Tredosoft and it will hopefully work. Either that or try installing a virtual operating system (this is what I do on Vista).


    Brilliant! Thank you Ryan! I downloaded the standalone from Tredosoft and everything works. The problem WAS my standalone.


    Be careful of IE8 too. When you install the latest betas of it your standalones will break which is a pain in the neck.

    Vista also doesn’t work with the standalones either unfortunately, so I run XP in MS Virtual PC with the IE standalones running alongside the regular IE7 install while running IE8 beta2 in Vista.

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