IE 6 problem

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    I love the suckerfish. I have a problem in IE6. The dropdown effect does not work anymore. I added the following code:

    <!–[if IE]><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>&lt;![endif]–>

    The Web site is located at: … ite_alpha/.

    I really thank you for all the help. Also, I would like have the menu customized to reflect stuff like About Us and such stuff instead of Blogroll and comments. I dont mind paying for a premium membership if this can be done.




    There’s something odd happening with your site. You have the following code between your HEAD tags:
    [code:2sxn82y8]<!– Multi-level Navigation Plugin by PixoPoint Web Development ... –>[/code:2sxn82y8]

    But there is no actual code there.

    The menus is work fine in IE6 for me though. The dropdowns are appearing fine. They’re not looking so good in Firefox though, presumably due to some sort of CSS clash with your theme.

    If you upgrade to our premium service I can sort all of these problems for you though.

    For the menu customisation you spoke of, I would need more information to confirm whether or not it is possible. It most likely is possible though.

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