Menu not floated left in IE6?

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  • #259
    Crazy Serb

    I’m just pulling my hair out trying to figure out what could possibly be wrong here, as the menu works just fine in IE7 and Firefox… but IE6 is not stacking LI items one beside another but rather one below another:

    Any idea why? Or what am I missing there? If anything…


    Your problem is caused by the following code in between your HEAD tags:

    [code:2vyu7q8l]<!–[if lt IE 8]>
      <style type="text/css">
      li a {display:inline-block;}
      li a {display:block;}

    I have no idea why, but IE6 is reading the first CSS declaration, but not the second. You will need to remove that to correct it.

    BTW, nice menu. It looks very slick.

    Crazy Serb

    You are correct – didn’t even notice that piece of the code.

    Removing it made everything work just fine.

    Now I just have to figure out why the menu link and hover colours are different in IE6 than in the rest of the browsers (hover link colours and backgrounds are not taking effect, etc)… or is that just my IE6 that’s behaving like that?

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