Seems like css is pushing anchors about 10 px right?

Forums Forums Menus Seems like css is pushing anchors about 10 px right?

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    I’ve been trying to get this interestingly complex to work for a local environmental site for a bit now. This is actually my second go at the multi-level menu after a try first with the ryan’s suckerfish one.

    In all instances the a’s seem to get pushed to the right about 10 px and I could not find where to change this.

    the test site is

    ( is my own site just under construction and running on a different instance of wordpress with a different theme)

    I’ve so far this time only used the css generator and chosen green dazzle, then pasted that into the multi-level menu options page in wordpress, inserted the php code into the header file inside of a menu div tag, and cut out all previous menu ul li etc. I didn’t try wrappers or tweeking the css yet as I thought that might just make it worse.

    Any help would be much appreciated, not sure if this is a bug issue, no superfish running.

    (If it makes any difference, I volunteered to do this for them, I am not getting paid.)


    Hi summaestudio,
    I’m a little busy right now, but I took a quick look at your themes CSS and I suspect this chunk of code may be causing some problems for you:

    [code:1i3ovws6]ul, ol
    margin:0 1em;

    I’ll have more time to look at it in more depth tonight, but in the mean time you could try altering/removing those to see if it makes a difference.


    Ok, Thank you, will take a look at that now and let you know how it goes.


    Hi again,
    Ok that did indeed solve the problem with the shifting, without breaking other parts of the site even.
    Now my only problem seems to be possibly a z-index one, though that may never come into play on the live site as the links probably won’t get low enough, however, just in case, any suggestions? What is happening on the test site is that if I have to mouseover down to the first entry, the menu no longer seems to recognize the mouse and folds back up.


    Changed z-index of menu div to 21 and that did the trick, think everything is working now.
    Thank you again very much for a great plugin. Just to let you know if you’d like to see, the live site is
    Please don’t blame me for the crazy text styling in the posts…the people I designed this site for seem to feel constricted by wordpress atm and therefore are pushing their text as far as they can stylewise…I guess I should set up some more consistent header css for them soon.


    Excellent. Glad to hear you got it working <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    I’ll add the link to the list of live examples.

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