Drop Down hides behind both flash-item and the right-sidebar

Forums Forums Menus Drop Down hides behind both flash-item and the right-sidebar

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    My Drop-down menues seems to work perfect. But when it drops down it hides behind a flash component on the frontpage, what to do?


    Futhermore, the text that I fill in the dropdown menues doesn’t seem to fit in its boxes – Again what to do?

    Thx for at great plug-in!

    My web-page is far from finished…


    That is caused by the settings in the flash video. Here is a very brief explanation of it:
    https://geek.hellyer.kiwi/forum/index.php?to … 641#msg641


    Hi Ryan, we had this on a site today and fixed it by putting a z-index of 21 on #suckerfishnav, #suckerfishnav ul in the css. I think most values of z-index would also work. Thought you might want to know… <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    Hi Clive,
    Changing the z-index won’t fix problems due to the Flash settings though. You need to alter the flash transparency to correct that problem.

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