Adding Contact Page

Forums Forums Menus Adding Contact Page

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    How can I add a page that’s not connected to "pages"?  I simply want to add a Contact page to the menu bar here:

    p.s.  there should be a search function for the forum


    There is a search function. It’s at the top of the page. If you can’t see it let me know and I’ll investigate. This forum theme is very much a work in progress, there are lots of bugs I’m trying to iron out.

    To add a page which isn’t part of your WP pages, you will need to use the custom code option which is available in the beta plugin[/url:3cyph4d7].

    Something like the following would work (assuming the URL is correct):
    [code:3cyph4d7]<li><a href="">Contact</a></li>[/code:3cyph4d7]


    Thanks Ryan,  I’m seeing the search function now.  Don’t think it was there before I registered though…  Maybe I missed it  <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    I’ve installed the beta but I guess I’m not understanding how to add a page.  I know how to link to the page, but adding the actual page is where I’m not clear.  Can I not do it through WP’s add page option and not have it be a sub page of "Pages"?  I want the Contact page to be part of my WP pages, I just don’t want it listed under "Pages".  I want the Contact page to be accessible from the menu bar.  Make sense?


    The search bar possibly isn’t there when you are a guest. I remember trying to decided whether to allow guests access to it or not and I guess my decision was not. I’ll add back later on today if I have time/remember.

    You can remove a page from your list of pages, but you can’t add it back in at another point on your menu without using the custom code option.

    If you leave your menu the way it is now, but add the "Custom Code" option as the last menu item, and use the code I posted above, a "Contact" page should appear at the end of your menu.

    Hopefully that makes sense <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    Im having problems getting Custom1 working. I have tested Custom2 using a direct link to my forums but when trying to use the same link in Custom1 nothing happens.


    Hmmm, this is bizarre.

    I’m drawing a blank trying to figure out what is going wrong.

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