WordPress plugin: Only pages needed in menu

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    I would only like my ‘pages’ in the menu. No other items like categories, blogroll, etc. Only my 6 different (parent)pages as main menu items and the children in their dropdown lists. I there an easy way to change this? Thanks for the great plug.


    Yes, there is an option on the admin page to do that.


    Hi Ryan,
    i want to do the same, but i doesnt find this option in the admin panel. Pls can you tell me where i can find it?
    I use WP Version 2.5.1 and Ryans Suckerfish WordPress Dropdown Menu 1.6.4.
    Thank you.


    Hi Ryan,
    i cant find this option on the admin page. Where is it?
    I use WP 2.5.1 and Ryans Suckerfish WordPress Dropdown Menu 1.6.4

    Thank you


    In Admin Panel –> Settings –> Suckerfish, assuming you want the home link up, then under menu content if you choose ‘Pages’ for menu item #2, and none for the rest after that, then your pages should be displayed horizontally across the menu, and sub pages displayed as dropdowns, with sub sub pages flying out. I think this is what you wanted.


    Thanks Brian <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    Just getting started with WordPress and I love it. I’ve followed Brian’s suggestion because I also want to show only the Page hierarchy in the Menu (as well as the Home button; I’ve typed "Home" in the first box under Advanced Options to make it appear). So far, so good.
    See my site at http://www.uupittsfield.org/

    My problem — I can’t get the vertical dropdown to occur. Instead, only the first subpage title appears, superimposed over the page title. 
    Also, I need to add a sixth button to pick up the last Page title, "Opportunities".  I’ll fix the colors, etc. after it’s working. Thanks for what you’ve done here — other sites seem to be doing well with your Plugin.


    The following code is probably causing most of your problem:

    [code:mirl5zxr]<div id="menu">[/code:mirl5zxr]

    Plus your original menu still seems to be there, but is mixed in with the new one. Delete or move that one first.


    Hi I’m trying to do the same thing – have just the Parent pages on the top level with the dropdowns displaying the child pages but can’t get it to work.


    The the top level is display but not the drop downs. Anything I can do?


    You are not using our plugin, so I can’t really help sorry.

    The system you are currently using is awful though as it doesn’t work without javascript on.


    HI, did this  question get solved? Im trying to do the same thing, i want only the parent pages displayed across the top the nav bar, with the sub-pages available on drop down.  i’ve tried what was suggested above, but it results in the home like and a ‘pages’ drop down link, any advise?

    P.S.  Looks like a great plugin, many thanks for the effort!!!


    My BAD, i’ve found it, i was incorrectly selecting ‘pages dropdown’ instead of ‘pages’  brilliant !


    Yes, that is a constant problem. The latest versions have a different labelling system to hopefully confuse things less.

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