Subpage ordering doesn’t work in PixoPoint Multi-level Navigation Plugin

Forums Forums Menus Subpage ordering doesn’t work in PixoPoint Multi-level Navigation Plugin

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  • #1769

    I’m using "PixoPoint Multi-level Navigation Plugin" – it’s great but one thing doesn’t work.
    I configured "Menu Item #3" as "Pages" – first level menu order is OK (as page order).
    But [b:1t1np65a]dropdown submenu ([color=blue:1t1np65a][font=courier:1t1np65a]#pixopoint_menu1 ul li ul[/font:1t1np65a][/color:1t1np65a]) is ordered alphabetically. Page order is ignored. [/b:1t1np65a]. (I mean ordering of subpages with same parent. Ordering of pages in [color=blue:1t1np65a][font=courier:1t1np65a]#pixopoint_menu1 ul[/font:1t1np65a][/color:1t1np65a] is OK.) Is this a known bug or I did sth wrong?

    WordPress 3.1.4
    Multi-level Navigation Plugin 2.2.1
    My Page Order 3.0a


    I’ve fixed it.
    In file core.php in function pages() added param sort_column=menu_order to wp_list_pages invocation.


    I’m confused. The plugin adds that automatically.

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