PixoPoint Menu plugin stops working with Pagelines PlatformPro 1.3.x

Forums Forums Menus PixoPoint Menu plugin stops working with Pagelines PlatformPro 1.3.x

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  • #1695

    My site is based upon Pagelines wonderful PlatformPro which allows me as much flexibility in building the site as PixoPoint does in building my menus.  But in the recent upgrade to 1.3.x for WordPress 3.1 it now makes the PixoPoint menus just disappear. 

    Any ideas as to why that might have happened? 

    I know I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place here with 2 different 3rd parties who will each want me to work with the other, but I gotta ask.  I don’t want to have to drop one or the other!  I’d sure like to use both!

    I’ve downgraded my system back and its working again but I will eventually need to upgrade.

    Ideas?  Things I can check?

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