Custom CSS for 2nd menu?

Forums Forums Menus Custom CSS for 2nd menu?

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  • #1689

    I am using PixoPoint Menu plugin v 0.6.20 on my WordPress blog. I’m trying to set up 2 menus – one for pages, the other for categories. I have both menus showing up where I want them and displaying the pages/categories that I want. The problem I’m having is with customizing the CSS for menu #2. If I apply any CSS to menu 1, it is also being applied to menu #2. If I apply custom CSS to menu #2, it has no affect on either menu.
    The hook I’m using for menu 1: <?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();} ?>
    The hook I’m using for menu 2: <?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu(2);} ?>

    The custom CSS for menu #1 uses “#suckerfishnav {…â€Â




    Can someone please help me with this, or give me a link to a thread that addresses the same issue, or let me know if I need to provide more info or anything???


    Sorry for the ridiculously long wait time before I have replied.

    You need to use different CSS for each menu. You can see the relevant HTML by viewing the source code for the page.

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