position: asbolute and IE7

Forums Forums Menus position: asbolute and IE7

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  • #166

    Thanks for the generator, very nice tool, easy to rework and not all the hacks you see out there for IE. I really dig the opacity filters for firefox and what not. I did find a couple things that I was having difficult with.

    [code:1g54tl13]#suckerfishnav li ul {
    border:1px solid #000;

    The position:asbolute was causing IE 7 to have a blank white spot appear over my background, but still under some other elements when u drop a menu down (dont know bout the other IE versions). I changed it from absolute to fixed and it rid of the issue. My background is layers and layers, so that may be part of my problem. Also somewhere in there, the line-height is doubled in IE and causes it to be pushed down, so I had to move it back up the exact pixel dimension of the line-height set with a simple margin-top:-54px;. I messed with a few of the variables to fit my design, but one of the better suckerfish menus out there. Thanks!


    Do you have a link to an example of the ‘white dot’ effect? I haven’t come across that before and would be interested to see what is happening.

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