Slow loading – Three pixopoint processes

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    I have your dropdown menu activated on my wordpress website. The site is currently loading extremely slowly. I used Firebug to diagnose which files were causing the bottle-neck. These three files came up as problem spots on many of the pages of the site.


    I found other posts that detail how to fix the style.php load time. Any suggestions as to how to improve the other two processes?

    Thanks very much for your help.


    Try the latest beta, it solves that problem by caching those files in your uploads folder:

    That particular problems is only seen on some servers. Most will serve the files lightning quick.


    Thanks very much for you help Ryan. As this is a professional website so I won’t be able to try out the beta version. But I look forward to the next stable version when I assume the caching will be implemented. In the mean time… we currently hosting with GoDaddy. What hosting providers would you recommend for wordpress sites and your products in particular?


    Anything but GoDaddy should be fine. GoDaddy does some really strange things which I don’t understand.

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