using thesis 1.7 but don’t get it to work

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    i am just starting to build a site

    wordpress 3
    thesis 1.7

    i’d like to use this multi level nav plugin

    so… i downloaded it, unzipped it, put it in the thesis plugin folder and activated it

    and now i am Stuck :-(

    i read something about auto assign theme or something but i cant find that

    i tried to copy the php line to themes/thesis_17/thesis_17/lib/html/header.php

    but all i got was a line of code and i couldn’t access the site until i removed it from header.php

    what do i have to do to get this working…. anyone??


    Try the PixoPoint Menu plugin. It has auto support for Thesis. The Multi-level Navigation plugin does not.


    thanks, i’ll try it right away


    I just customized mine with instructions from DIYThemes User’s Guide. Hope it’s not too late for you. The code is:
    [font=courier:1wt0f7nq]remove_action('thesis_hook_before_header', 'thesis_nav_menu');
    add_action('thesis_hook_after_header', 'suckerfish');[/font:1wt0f7nq]

    Good luck!
    <img decoding=” title=”Wink” />


    That will work, but I recommend updating to the latest function name as I may remove the "Suckerfish" function name at some point:
    [code:1duiylqr]remove_action(‘thesis_hook_before_header’, ‘thesis_nav_menu’);
    add_action(‘thesis_hook_after_header’, ‘pixopoint_menu’);[/code:1duiylqr]

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