CSS problem in both IE and Firefox..

Forums Forums Menus CSS problem in both IE and Firefox..

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    I can’t delete the Pixo plugin because that has messed up the middle portion of the website..

    I’m not sure if this is the menu that or what but when you select Contact/info and it drops down the words in the Announcement plugin is seen through.

    I haven’t done anything to the pixo or multi menu css.

    I tested with Firefox, Chrome, and IE and I am getting the same problem.

    I have only three other plugins installed:
    "Google XML Sitemap"
    "Pixo menu and Mutl level Nav"

    My site url is http://www.mcshanesnursery.com/

    How would you solve this problem?


    That looks like a z-index issue. You need to adjust the z-index in the menu css and/or in the theme to make it appear on top.

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