where do i start?

Forums Forums Menus where do i start?

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  • #1491

    excuse me please i’m not sure where to begin in setting this up for my theme

    i’m looking to achieve a drop down menu system on all pages
    i’ve activated the plugin but i’m not sure what to do next?


    thanks for your help


    thanks dude


    got it… looks good

    how best can i integrate it into my existing theme?


    There is no way to answer that question beyond what is in the instructions, as all themes are different.


    thanks ryan
    do you mean the instruction to put within the header
    <?php if ( function_exists( ‘pixopoint_menu’ ) ) {pixopoint_menu();} ?>

    i’ve done that and the menu appears graphically outwith my header running along the very top of the page

    do you have any advice on how i can have it where my current category items are just now below the logo text within my header?


    excuse me, i see the part about the DIV tags… i’ll give it a go


    hi ryan, i’ve placed the code into my header.php and the menu shows up good but needs a bit of tweaking, can you please advise?

    [quote:2t2eci7k]<?php if ( function_exists( ‘pixopoint_menu’ ) ) {pixopoint_menu();} ?>

    <div id="wrapper">
    <div id="container" class="container"> 
    <div class="span-24">
    <div class="span-16">

    <div id="pagemenucontainer">

    <ul id="pagemenu">

    <?php wp_page_menu(); ?>

    <li <?php if(is_home()) { ?> class="current_page_item" <?php } ?>><a href="<?php echo get_option(‘home’); ?>/">Home</a></li>


    <?php wp_list_pages(‘depth=1&sort_column=menu_order&title_li=’ ); ?>




    Theme Name: Amirra
    Theme URL: http://newwpthemes.com/wordpress-theme/amirra/
    Description: Amirra is a free premium WordPress theme with options page and supports the post thumbnails. Suitable for any niche.
    Author: NewWpThemes.com
    Author URI: http://newwpthemes.com/
    Version: 1.0
    Tags: Ads Ready, Two Columns, Right Sidebar, Fixed Width, Blogging, Options Page

    /* LAYOUT */

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    /* CONTENT */

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    /* FOOTER */

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    /* COMMENTS */

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    #linkabletitlehtmlandphpwidget-5 a img {margin:15px 0 5px 0;}[/quote:2t2eci7k]


    It appears to be working as expected. Is there something you are not happy with?


    i notice the menu is duplicated both within my header and above it running along the top of the webpage? can i somehow remove the one on top?


    You added the one on top via the following code:
    [code:2lv8dhez]<?php if ( function_exists( ‘pixopoint_menu’ ) ) {pixopoint_menu();} ?> [/code:2lv8dhez]

    The other one is generated via wp_page_menu() which is added because you have the auto-theme-support box checked on the admin page.


    excellent, good job ryan.. and thanks

    would you have an idea how i could place the menu beneath my logo, where the categories are currently? so to swap placement of the menu and categories


    Just replace the existing menu you have there with pixopoint_menu() and it should automatically appear.




    i notice when i add a new page in wordpress it doesn’t sit right within the menu… you’ll see what mean with the ‘events’ page i’ve just added. can you give any insight please?


    i just notice too using firefox that the site page and menu is completely misaligned
    i don’t think i can fix this……  can this be resolved easily or is there lots of work and troubleshooting required?

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