Pixopoint Theme Integrator Help

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  • #1430

    ok i installed wordpress fine and i am quite good at web development but my problem is i installed pixopoint-theme-integrator activated the plugin added
    <?php pixopoint_theme_integrator( ‘start’, ‘1’ ); ?> with an end tag and then i clicked update settings on the admin panel of WP but its not outputting the file the file to the folder it specifys not sure why ive tried allsorts as on this https://geek.hellyer.kiwi/products/pixopoint … ntegrator/ page is states to use <?php pixopoint_theme_integrator( ‘start’, ‘1’ ); ?> but on anothe page i saw u should do it like this <!– PixoPoint theme integrator Start chunk #1 –> with the end tag ive tried both and neither work btw once i get this part working i will try to intergrate in to phpbb3
    and i will now register aswell lol as this software is going places


    Thanks for that. I’m swamped with work right now but will try to take a look at this next week some time.

    This is very old code. I’m guessing that was probably from the alpha blog post, but if not I’d love to hear where that’s from because it is definitely not the current method.
    [code:1ztnjnsu]<!– PixoPoint theme integrator Start chunk #1 –>[/code:1ztnjnsu]


    so im guessing that i have to to use
    <?php pixopoint_theme_integrator( ‘start’, ‘1’ ); ?>
    and the end one lol
    but if so that dont work ethier lol
    i have quite alot of plugins installed i will install xampp and give it a go on its own but just to make sure i am doin it right the way i did it was opened header.php from theme placed
    <?php pixopoint_theme_integrator( ‘start’, ‘1’ ); ?>
    just above the first div and the end tag at the end of my menu also in header.php
    <?php pixopoint_theme_integrator( ‘end’, ‘1’ ); ?>
    please tell me if thats wrong i dont think it is though lol


    ok after a fresh install of xampp and wordpress i installed the plugin and added
    <?php pixopoint_theme_integrator( ‘start’, ‘1’ ); ?>
    <?php pixopoint_theme_integrator( ‘end’, ‘1’ ); ?>
    with some code inside

    it works looks like i have to redo wp but next prob is phpbb3 wont accept
    <?php require( ‘C:xampphtdocs/wp-content/uploads/pixopoint-theme-integrator/chunk1’ ); ?>
    <?php require( ‘C:xampphtdocs/wp-content/uploads/pixopoint-theme-integrator/chunk1.html’ ); ?>
    and i also tried
    <!– INCLUDE C:xampphtdocs/wp-content/uploads/pixopoint-theme-integrator/chunk1.html –>
    <!– INCLUDE C:xampphtdocs/wp-content/uploads/pixopoint-theme-integrator/chunk1 –>
    witch is phpbb3’s native way of including a file none of them work
    when u get chance could u look for us u did say u were busy and im not in a rush so when u need ip just let me know on this tread


    and this page includes the old style code as u stated it was from alpha


    I have the same problem does not show code to me HTML


    btw if u need a fresh install of wp and phpbb3 in a sub folder with no mods installed on both let me know i will set one up for u and pm u the details


    I figured out the bug. It was a folder permissions problem which was only affecting some servers. I had the permissions set to restrictively. I’m creating a new version which fixes this and should be ready tomorrow hopefully.

    &quot;Ryan&quot; wrote:
    I figured out the bug. It was a folder permissions problem which was only affecting some servers. I had the permissions set to restrictively. I’m creating a new version which fixes this and should be ready tomorrow hopefully.

    I just installed the latest version and it’s not creating the HTML file for me. Any ideas?


    What path does it give you for the file locations? Or does it not give you any file path at all?


    Ok ive been trying to get this working since my last post and now give up.
    I would like to ask are there any confirmed cases of people been able to get this working with phpbb3 if not WP-United is going WP based in a few weeks and i will be on the list for beta testing as this product is wasting loads of my time and money atm sorry to say that but its true not saying its a bad product just that i may be a good idea to remove phpbb3 from the list as its looking like it may be a phpbb3 problem and the fact that the templates dont support php
    Sorry Ryan


    Quote i will try the new version today and report if i have any luck

    &quot;Dave009&quot; wrote:
    Quote i will try the new version today and report if i have any luck

    oK fresh install of both WP and phpbb3 no other alterations at all and host is hostgator
    WP side
    installed WP
    installed PixoPoint Theme Intergrator
    set refesh rate to 60 seconds not 5000 dont have time to wait
    added in header.php of default WP theme

    [code:1rzzysad]<?php pixopoint_theme_integrator( ‘start’, ‘1’ ); ?>
    <div id="header" role="banner">
    <div id="headerimg">
    <h1><a href="<?php echo get_option(‘home’); ?>/"><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></a></h1>
    <div class="description"><?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?></div>
    <hr />
    <?php pixopoint_theme_integrator( ‘end’, ‘1’ ); ?>[/code:1rzzysad]

    after 5 minuites still does not output the chunk file

    phpbb3 side
    enabled allow php in templates and
    recompile state style on refresh
    <?php require( ‘../wp-content/uploads/pixopoint-theme-integrator/chunk1.html’ ); ?>
    as allow php in templates allows me to use that but cannot test if file path is correct as the plugin it self DOES NOT WORK

    Still no luck as i said in the previous post remove phpbb from the list i now think that it could work
    but unfortunately you can not call the latest realese stable as it obviously its not as i have just proved
    Next option wait 2 weeks for WP-United 0.9

    any reply on this would be great but i saw on another post you put
    how long is a piece of sting so i will check this post in about 5 miles because thats how much sting i have lol


    Did you have a specific ID set? If so, did you try reloading that particular during this time? If you didn’t, then it won’t work.

    I can’t see any problems. It seems to work flawlessy for me.

    I’m definitely not going to remove phpBB3 from the list as it should definitely work with it. The only things it wouldn’t work with other softwares which don’t allow you to include external files in templates.

    I’m happy to help, but I can’t see what the problem is from here. I’d need to see what settings you have in your admin panel and be able to load the pages first.

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