Page order by ID instead of name?

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    Hi, thanks so much for this plugin. I’m working on a site for someone and will send you the link when it goes live. I’m also going to use it in my own blog.

    BTW, is there a way to control the order of the dropdown items, like using ID instead of name?


    Glad you like the plugin.

    I hadn’t thought about ordering the pages by ID number. It probably is possible, but off the top of my head I can’t think of how and I don’t have time to look it up right now.

    If I don’t post back with an answer in the next week, feel free to bug me about it as I’m certain there is a way to do this and I would consider adding it to a future release.


    Thanks Ryan… I’ll be sure to bug, I know all about bugs ;-)


    I’m working on a new version of the plugin with an option to order the various items.

    In the mean time, if you would like a custom code, just let me know exactly what you want your displayed in your blog (link to your blog or test blog would be helpful) and I’ll post back some raw PHP you can dump straight into your theme.


    Tanx Ryan! My blog is at . No rush, but sure, go ahead and send code. Order by ID would be fine.


    I haven’t tested this, but I think the following code should do the trick. If it doesn’t work, then let me know and I’ll take a look to see where I went wrong.

    [code:3sau9rvt]<ul id="suckerfishnav">
    <li><a href="<?php bloginfo(‘url’); ?>">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="">Pages</a>
    <ul>’ , wp_list_pages(‘title_li=&sort_column=ID’) , ‘</ul>
    <li><a href="">Categories</a>
    <ul>’ , wp_list_categories(‘title_li=&orderby=ID’) , ‘</ul>
    </li><li><a href="">Archives</a>
    <ul>’ , wp_get_archives() , ‘</ul>
    <li><a href="">Blogroll</a>
    <ul>’ , wp_list_bookmarks(‘title_li=&categorize=0&orderby=ID’) , ‘</ul>

    Just replace the [code:3sau9rvt]<?php suckerfish(); ?>[/code:3sau9rvt] in your theme with the above code.


    The first level list items work, but not the second. I think there’s a quote mismatch, i.e., single instead of double, because it shows a literal string of “wp_list_categories…â€


    Got it… the single quotes around the “wp_list…â€


    Sorry, I’ll try putting inside code tags.

    [code:2ynyhsce]<a href="">Home





    Thanks – just registered to get the search function and sort my problem of ordering!


    I just thought I’d share that I believe the following WordPress plugin might do what you want (assuming you want this ordering on your site in general):

    I used it on my site since I posted things in an order that meant they didn’t show up nicely, but after I used this it worked great.

    Of course if you only need it in the drop downs, having a built in feature would be nice.


    I don’t have time to post a full response right now (just taking a break from work).

    To post code, place it inside [html][code:n0tr3jzi][/html] bbCode tags like this:

    some random html code of some sort ...


    Hmmm, I just realised the posts above were from April! Sorry for the delay in replying. I must have been busy at the time and your post got lost somewhere in the stack of support questions.

    If you still need help with your problem then let me know and I’ll take another look for you.


    1. Did you ever add a feature to order pages by something other than alphabetical? I have a set of pages I want to use as the top level menu choices but in the order: About, Programs, How to Apply, Grant Lists, News, Donors, Resources.
    2. Also the 2nd menu choice on the site above as it is now doesn’t allow selection of the sub pages. Can you advise?


    The same question applies for the second level choices: can I select the order?

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