Top of the page "invisible" margin

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  • #1411

    Hi and thanks for that great menu,

    I’m using PixoPoint Menu on I have an issue to make it stick to the top of the page. There’s always a roughly 40px margin on top of my page.

    The menu is 35px high and in a 35px high Html Div. When I just put text in my Div, everything is fine. But as soon as I put the menu in the div, it comes with weird margin/spaces on top or bottom of the menu.

    I’ve done following testing so far:
    – Without any div tag, similar result
    – enlarging the div tag to 40px, no impact of margin coming with menu
    – Tested on firefox and explorer different results on the global layout on the page but same issue with the margin.

    What ever I do, the menu stays,40/50 px under the top of my page…

    It might be a css issue but I can’t figure out where to tune that.

    Your help would be much appreciated.<img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />



    It sounds like the containing block for the menu has margins or paddings on it.

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