Drop down Level1 showing categories, Level2=subcat, Level3=post from cat ?

Forums Forums Menus Drop down Level1 showing categories, Level2=subcat, Level3=post from cat ?

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  • #1407

    Does PixoPoint Menu Plugin can create a dropdown Multi-Level Menu like that :

    I want the visitors to see [b:1vp61ydy]some[/b:1vp61ydy] categories as the menu. That’s simple.

    Services, Products, Help are categories name.

    When mouse over SERVICES I want to display his own Child Level Categories.

    When mous over a Child Level Categories I want to display list of post title from each subcat.

    Can I do that, how

    I khow that I can order Multilevel from pages but it’s better for me to use categories and post.



    Yes, the PixoPoint Menu plugin does everything the Multi-level navigation plugin. It will in fact replace the multi-level navigation plugin … eventually

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