Help needed: I can’t seem to get the drop down menu plugin to work on my site

Forums Forums Menus Help needed: I can’t seem to get the drop down menu plugin to work on my site

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  • #1392

    my website is

    i’ve downloaded the PixoPoint Menu Plugin and uploaded it on my website which runs by wordpress. i’ve also activated it already.

    but i can’t get it working?


    That is not enough. You have to those all those steps all right, but you also have to add the pixopoint menu bar to your wordpress page. – You can found following information in the installation help.

    # Upload the complete pixopoint-menu folder to the /wp-content/plugins/  directory OR install it via the WordPress plugin repository browser
    # Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    3a. Either: Add <?php if ( function_exists( ‘pixopoint_menu’ ) ) {pixopoint_menu();} ?> to your theme wherever you want the menu to appear (usually your header.php file).
    3b. Or: Create a theme with the PixoPoint template generator which will automatically load the plugin menu
    3c. Or: Choose the "Auto theme support" option in the plugins admin panel and use a theme which is automatically supported such as Hybrid, Thematic or Thesis.
    # Visit the "PixoPoint Menu" page in your WordPress settings menu
    # Control how the menu behaves via the plethora of different options
    # Click the ‘Load editor’ button to modify the design via the easy to use editing panel[/quote:1f7v2r2p] … tallation/


    Thanks MK

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