Cannot figure out how to create other pages in the menu ?

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    hey guys,

    I am about to ask what I feel is a super newbie question, but I don’t seem to find a topic relevant to this in the forum or even more basic info in the WP forum so here I am :

    I am working on my WP blog locally using the Cutline theme, and I have created my pages using the dashboard which now appear in the menu, no problem. I wanted to introduce droped down menu for some of my static pages so I downloaded the Pixo Point menu, included the code and the menu is here.
    but I am facing 2 problem :

    1- the new pixo point menu is here, but the old one is still here too ?
    2- I am absolutely clueless on how to create sub-categories –> or other static pages which should appear in the drop down. For an example I have a page called prices, and I would like the drop down to lead to Induction prices / lesson prices/ concession prices. But I have no clue how to do this <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />

    If you have the patience to explain me how to do this, it would be an absolute life saver !

    thank you so much


    ok , seem to have understood how to introduce nesting and parents category. However I am still facing the problem of having to menu, and I dont know how to change the background color of the pixopoint color, at the minute – red -? I have looked in the header and the style css but I cannot find any code except the one I have added ?

    <?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();}; ?>


    Hi, I´m absolute novice too, I have change background color, editting de CSS menu in Advanced tab.

    background:#ebebeb url ("../dazzle_red.png") repeat-x;

    This line call an image that are located in your server

    Then find the image name that are in the line above,probably "dazzle_red.png" donwload it and open in photoshop or your image editor, duplicate it and modify as you like. Rename it.
    Upload the new image to

    and replace the name as:

    background:#ebebeb url ("../images/new_image.png") repeat-x;

    I use use the Curious Monkey Method to find out what lines of CSS modify what thing … doing it and doing it again …! When identify something add a note /*note*/ to remember what is it later.

    Some backgrounds have not an image, only the color:


    you must only replace it as you like. 
    Greetings, If I made mistakes in this I hope someone can correct it! And I hope you understand my horrible english.

    &quot;cbayetti&quot; wrote:
    However I am still facing the problem of having to menu

    You need to delete the old one from your theme.

    &quot;cbayetti&quot; wrote:
    … and I dont know how to change the background color of the pixopoint color, at the minute – red -?

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