Catergory Choices in Nav Menu

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  • #1298

    [ PixoPoint Menu Plugin ] I’m using the category titles as my navigation links. However, it shows all categories – even ones marked "uncategorized". Is there a way to set which categories you want to display and which categories you do not?

    Everything else works great by the way. Awesome plugin.


    In the pull-down for the categories menu item you can include and exclude specific category IDs.


    I tried that – I typed "uncategorized" as the id and clicked exclude. When i reloaded it said "No Categories" in my nav bar.


    "uncategorized" is not an ID, that’s a category name so would not work. … ategory-id

    In older versions of WordPress, the IDs were commonly used for identifying categories, unfortunately in later versions (after I developed that code for the plugin) they removed IDs as a common form of identification from the WordPress admin panel.


    Thanks so much. It’s working for me now!


    Great to hear <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

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