Ok so I installed this plug-in. The drop down menu one. I installed it which is fine I know how to do that much and then I took the code to insert into my header file of my theme and inserted it where the menu code was. No menu shows up. I also tried this with another plugin and had the same problem so I know its just me not having a clue what I’m doing wrong.
The theme I am using is called Magazeen. The original code for the menu is [code:2ylb3nzy]<?php wp_list_pages( ‘title_li=&depth=1’ ); ?>[/code:2ylb3nzy]. I took this code out and replaced it with [code:2ylb3nzy]<?php if (function_exists(‘suckerfish’)) {suckerfish();} ?>[/code:2ylb3nzy]
I also tried not deleting the original code and just adding the new code after it. I have activated the plugin on the backend but no drop down menus show up. What am I doing wrong?