Help for complete novice

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    Apologies in advance for my lack of ability here, but I’ve recently moved from using a basic html site for my wife’s business to using wordpress and am attempting to learn as I go along.

    I’ve downloaded the Multi-level Navigation plugin and haven’t as yet activated it, simply because I have a few questions, mainly due to my lack of knowledge in dealing with code.

    My website is[/url:3bck997p%5D and I am using the Royalvista theme. I have basically adapted this to use as a website rather than a blog, and have made my pages static.

    I have made various pages, and one of the pages has a number of sub-pages created under the parent of ‘The Theory Test’ – I intend on adding other pages that will have sub-pages and for that reason I wanted to use this plugin, so that the site will look neater.

    Where I’m stuck is where to put the relevant code in my css and which other area I require to put the initial code in – I’m assuming it’s ‘header.php’ as described in the guide.

    As I’m really unsure of where to put the code (literally) can you please assist?

    I’m assuming I can paste the code into my ‘header.php’ at any point as long as it’s after a closed tab – is that correct?

    Same question really for the ‘style.css’ file.

    Once again, apologies for my lack of knowledge, hope you can help me out with this one! I hope I’ve provided enough information.




    Sorry to trouble you Ryan, but could you assist me with this?


    The plugin has an admin page which you can find under "settings" in your admin panel.

    Sorry, but other that I can’t think of anything I could add that isn’t already in the instructions. … tallation/

    "Ryan" wrote:
    The plugin has an admin page which you can find under "settings" in your admin panel.

    Sorry, but other that I can’t think of anything I could add that isn’t already in the instructions. … tallation/

    Thanks Ryan, I have read the instructions and attempted to understand them, but as I explained above, I don’t have a very good understanding of code and was looking for some simple guidance on where to paste it.


    If I understand correctly then this should help.  The CSS to control the menu gets inserted in the pixopoint settings.  (There are tabs at the top don’t over look those.)

    Once the CSS is in you put the code in your header.  Do this in wordpress admin by going to Appearance>>editor.

    Once in the editor on the right hand side you will be looking for header.php

    Click on that and in the editor (near the bottom – Often inside your last DIV tag) place your code.

    Here is the last code in my header.php file:
    [code:1cx4zrnp]<div id="newMenu"><?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();} ?></div>

    I placed this in my own DIV "newMenu" so that I could add custom CSS to styles.css if I felt it necessary.


    Thanks for your input foundre – I’ve just discovered this plugin won’t work for my site properly, as the menu system is more designed for a blog, I run mine as a website where I need dropdowns for the individual pages – and from what I’ve seen, this isn’t supported.

    Correct me if I’m wrong.


    I have not tried it but I cannot see why you would not be able to adapt it.  CSS menus are common place today and that is all you are ultimately doing is creating a CSS menu.  Just bypassing the need for the plugin.

    &quot;foundre&quot; wrote:
    I have not tried it but I cannot see why you would not be able to adapt it.  CSS menus are common place today and that is all you are ultimately doing is creating a CSS menu.  Just bypassing the need for the plugin.

    Looks like I have a fair amount of reading to do then!

    Thanks again. <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    &quot;moob&quot; wrote:
    Thanks Ryan, I have read the instructions and attempted to understand them, but as I explained above, I don’t have a very good understanding of code and was looking for some simple guidance on where to paste it.

    You don’t need to know any code. There’s a big box under one of the tabs in the admin page which allows you to change the CSS.

    &quot;moob&quot; wrote:
    Thanks for your input foundre – I’ve just discovered this plugin won’t work for my site properly, as the menu system is more designed for a blog, I run mine as a website where I need dropdowns for the individual pages – and from what I’ve seen, this isn’t supported.

    Correct me if I’m wrong.

    Blogs are websites.

    As the instructions mention, this plugin adds a menu to any WordPress powered site.


    Yeah thanks again Ryan. I didn’t quite understand the guide as well as I could have, perhaps.

    What I meant by I’m running mine as a website, is that I’m using it more as a CMS for my website rather than a blogging device.

    I thought your plugin would enable me to add a mouse over subpage menu to the pages on my site, but as I said earlier it appears to be formatted for use in the blog site as a whole.

    &quot;moob&quot; wrote:
    I thought your plugin would enable me to add a mouse over subpage menu to the pages on my site

    Yes, that sounds exactly like what it does. The menu at the top of this page does exactly that (which runs on the PixoPoint Menu plugin).

    &quot;moob&quot; wrote:
    … , but as I said earlier it appears to be formatted for use in the blog site as a whole.

    I don’t understand that sorry.

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