Getting rid of search bar

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    I am using a WP template that uses PixoPoint Menu Plugin v0.6.20.
    It gives me a nice navigation bar, but also a search box!
    I have been trying to figure out how to get rid of it to no avail. I have not received answers on the forums for the template either.

    Can you tell me how to get rid of this search box?

    My Web site is

    Thank you!!!


    You can remove it via the plugins admin page. Just drag the Search item into the "Inactive menu items’ section.


    I also want to remove the search field, but I cannot move the search menu box to the inactive menus areas.  Is there an alternative method?  Modify the code?  Thanks. <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    &quot;Paul&quot; wrote:
    I also want to remove the search field, but I cannot move the search menu box to the inactive menus areas.  Is there an alternative method?  Modify the code?

    Sorry, but I don’t understand. To remove the plugins search menu box, you need to move it to one of the inactive areas. Why don’t you just do that? Or perhaps I have misunderstood?


    I am unable to drag the Search box anywhere, it will not move.


    Can you move the other menu items?

    If it’s just the search box which can’t move than I am completely flummoxed and won’t be able to help without seeing the page in action, either as a page copy (view source, copy and paste here) or if you give me admin access (I don’t recommend handing out admin details to random plugin developers though, we’re not all trustworthy!).


    Hi Ryan,

    I have just installed the PixoPoint Menu, and after playing around with it, it works really well in my K2 theme.

    I have a similar problem (but different) to Paul about removing the Search box. In Settings > PixoPoint Menu > Home tab, I can see boxes for Home, Pages and Search under the heading ‘Main menu items’. I am able to drag and drop the Search box to the ‘Inactive menu items’ area, and it sticks there. However, when I click on the "Update Options" button, the screen flickers (refreshes) but the Search box moves back to the ‘Main menu items’ on the refresh. So, I cannot remove the Search box. Any ideas?

    Is there a workaround for removing the Search box rather than drag and drop. I am using PixoPoint Menu v0.6.20.

    I also need to move the ‘Home’ box too because I now see two ‘Home’ menu items on the menu bar when there should only be one. In my K2 theme, I have chosen not to use the blog and so the Settings > Reading is set to a ‘Static page’ and is set for a new page called Home. I can only guess that your menu is picking up the Blog menu item (renamed Home, which I do not want to display) and my new page called Home.

    I hope this feedback is useful to you.

    Neville Lang


    Hi Ryan,

    On my previous post, I should have mentioned my website address:

    This site has not yet been completed, simply bare-bones for now, but I am trying to finalize the PixoPoint menu items.

    Neville Lang


    Sorry, but this is impossible to bug fix without seeing the page. If you provide me with admin access to see it I can help. Otherwise there isn’t much I can do unless you can provide some more specific information about the issue.


    Neville’s problem sounds very similar to mine.  I go to Settings>Pixopoint Menu>Home, and see a page of menu items, but none of them can be moved anywhere on the screen.  Not sure I want to give account access, I’ll see what I can do on my own.


    Hi Ryan,

    Well something strange happened. After I left the PixoPoint menu and did some other things on the site, when I returned to the menu options, and dragged and dropped the Search box into the ‘Inactive’ area then clicked on the ‘Update Options’ button, the Search box stayed put in the ‘Inactive’ area. This was different to what had happened before where the Search box kept moving back to the ‘active’ area after the ‘Update Options’ button was clicked.

    I do not know why it was not working previously but now I am happy that it is working as expected. Sorry to have troubled you, and thanks for your reply.

    Neville Lang


    Did you change theme or plugins?

    I’m guessing you are experiencing a clash with something else. If you can track down what it is clashing with, it is probably fixable, either by me, or by whatever other plugin/theme is causing the problem.


    Hi Ryan,

    I cannot remember exactly what I actually did after I left the menu and then came back into the menu. I seem to remember I was working on a problem where the Home menu item was displaying twice. I use the pageMash plugin for page order control (instead of My Page Order) and one of the benefits of this plugin is that you can "hide" a page. I set my renamed Home (see details below) page to hidden and then checked my site out on a refresh and the duplicated Home menu item was gone.

    I have a site where I chose to turn off the blog section, by setting the Front page as a static page. Prior to setting the Front page, I had already renamed the standard blog page as Home. I also renamed the standard About page in the K2 theme to Home and then used that renamed About page as the static Front page.

    I can only guess that PixoPoint menu must not take account that a static page can be selected and therefore always shows the standard blog page on the menu.

    Anyway, as far as I can remember, it was after I hid the Home page in pageMash and then returned to PixoPoint menu that I was able to move the Search box into the ‘Inactive’ area, and it remained there after saving.

    If this information helps you, that is great.

    Neville Lang


    I experienced the same problem using IE 7 – "What are they talking about? I Can’t move any modules!?"

    Then I tried in Firefox instead and voila! It worked.

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