PixoPoint Menu & WPML

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  • #1235

    Hi, I use the PixoPoint Menu (great plugin btw!) and WPML (a plugin to make your website multilingual). But when I select another language, the menu disappears.

    It adds a lot of #’s to the code:
    [code:39m196bo]<ul class=#####"sf-menu#####" id=#####"suckerfishnav#####">
    <li id=#####"es#####" class=#####"page_item page-item-20 current_page_item#####"><a href=#####"http://www.tuscanyresidencearuba.com/es/#####" title=#####"Inicio#####">Inicio</a></li>
    </ul> [/code:39m196bo]

    With the Multi-level plugin I don’t have this problem, but the problem with that plugin is that I can’t make some links (with dropdowns) unclickable. Only if I add custom code but then of course my WMPL will not translate the page titles.

    Does anybody have a solution for my problem?


    I have no idea what could possibly be causing that problem.

    However I’ve attached a new version which is quite radically different to the old one. This isn’t stable and will most definitely break a bunch of stuff, but if it solves this problem it’ll at least provide me with a way of tracking down what the problem is.

    [b:1uvqmahm]DO NOT][/b:1uvqmahm] use this version on a live site. It’s majorly flawed yet and most definitely not in a usable state whatsoever.


    I tried the alpha version and it didn’t add the #’s, but when I switched back to the current version I didn’t have the problem either.
    But than I realized that I used the build in stylesheet plugin to style the menu, I have no idea why, but I did..

    So now I styled it again, this time in my style.css file and it works great.

    Thanks for the help anyway!


    I’ve never heard of the stylesheet plugin, but whatever it is must be doing something pretty weird if it strips out HTML from a menu.


    I mean the stylesheet option in the PixoPoint Menu.

    [quote:2o4nf77n]Style sheet
    The plugin includes it’s own built in stylesheet. However many site owners wish to use their themes built in stylesheet (good idea if you want to reduce your page size).[/quote:2o4nf77n]


    I mean the stylesheet option in your PixoPoint Menu plugin.

    [quote:38l1mr7u]Style sheet
    The plugin includes it’s own built in stylesheet. However many site owners wish to use their themes built in stylesheet (good idea if you want to reduce your page size).[/quote:38l1mr7u]

    So when I style my menu with that option, it adds #’s to the code when I change the language with WPML. But if I style it with my own style.css file it works great.


    This WPML plugin must be doing something pretty weird then as I can’t see any reason why it would need to modify the data like that.


    I thought I solved the problem, but I was wrong.. I completely removed all the styling and it still add’s the #’s.. 
    I need to get this fixed asap, you still have no idea what it could be?


    I really need this fixed. And like I said:

    With the Multi-level plugin I don’t have this problem, but the problem with that plugin is that I can’t make some links (with dropdowns) unclickable. Only if I add custom code but then of course my WMPL will not translate the page titles.

    So maybe it’s better for me to use that plugin, but is there another way to make the dropdown links unclickable?

    I also tried the 0.8 beta version but it gives me a blank screen.


    There’s nothing I can do about another plugin doing crazy stuff like that.

    If you report a problem with our plugin I’ll fix it, but I can’t see anything to fix here sorry.

    Where did the blank screen problem occur? And was it entirely blank? Or just the menu went blank perhaps?


    Okay, this sucks.. on the WPML support forum they say the same thing.. ‘it’s not a wpml problem’ and I can’t find other good plugins for translation/dropdown menu..

    As soon as I activate the 0.8 beta I got a complete blankscreen.. My whole site turned blank screen.. So I had to delete the folder via FTP to login to my admin again.


    Are you sure it isn’t some other problem causing this?

    I just can’t see anything which could possibly make the # symbols appear like that. I’m keen to help, but I don’t have enough information to do anything.

    If you can show me the problem in action I’ll take a look and see if I can see what might be going wrong, but at this stage there’s nothing I can do to help sorry.


    I found out that it has something to do with de Exclude ID’s or URL’s option. As soon as I start to exclude ID’s I get #’s in the PixoPoint Menu code in front of every "
    The more ID’s I exclude the more #’s I get..
    Maybe it’s good to know that de Spanish menu items have different ID’s then the English ones..

    I also tried to exclude URL’s instead of ID’s but it has the same effect.


    Thanks. That massively narrows down what the problem could be now.

    What exactly are you entering into the input box for the exclude and include fields? It’s possible that if they’re not formatted correctly something might go haywire.

    I’m intending to fix that in a future version as others have had problems with it too, albeit I haven’t heard of it causing # symbols to appear.


    I just enter numbers, right now I have this:
    2, 11, 37, 13, 15, 338, 348, 357, 364, 374, 339, 349, 358, 365, 373
    The first 5 are for the main language, the others for the translated ones.

    But I also get one # if I just add "2"

    And like I said, I don’t get the #’s on the main language pages but only on the translated ones.

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