Repeating menu

Forums Forums Menus Repeating menu

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  • #123


    Really appreciate your work on this, this plugin is one of the best!

    I have a small issue – if you look at my website – you will see that the menu is being repeated below the main one…do you know why this is the case?

    I only have the call for the suckerfish menu in once…I think I am being silly somewhere…


    Nice looking site you have there.

    But what the ????? I don’t understand how your code has ended up like this. I’m looking into it right now.


    I have no idea what is going on here. You have five instances of the #suckefishnav UL tag. This doesn’t make any sense to me at all. One of them is even wrapping around the other four.

    Are you using the beta version of the plugin? Or the stable version? The only thing I can think of, is that you are using the Custom Menu option in the beta plugin but have messed the code up.


    I suspect you are also having some troubles due to the #navigation DIV which is surrounding the menu. You may need to remove that for it to render correctly.

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