Issues with Firefox

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    Thanks for the plugin! It was great to get it working and looking like I wanted it to using your CSS Generator. One problem though, the menus display perfectly in Safari but not in Firefox

    In Firefox, I simply get an indented bullet list. Can anyone help me fix this?



    I don’t have Firefox installed, but I am running The CSS works fine with that version. The changes from to were very minor and I don’t think they would cause the menu to fail to render correctly.

    If the CSS works here on the generator page but not on your own page then it is likely to be caused by a clash with the other CSS on your page. If you post a link here I’ll take look and see if I can find a fix for you.


    Ryan, I think you were right about the conflicting CSS. I have managed to get it to work by copying the CSS code from the generator to the wordpress theme’s CSS file. For some reason, Safari is happy to pick up the CSS via the data entered through the WP admin panel but Firefox needs the CSS for the plugin to be in the wordpress theme’s CSS.

    I’m still having a small problem with the plugin though. If the content just below the drop-down menu is a YouTube embedded video, the video disappears when I hover over the drop down menu. (This only happens in Firefox) And if the YouTube video is centered, the drop down menu shifts a pixel or two to the right at the spot where it goes over the embedded video.

    If you have any insights into this, please let me know.

    Many thanks,


    Nice theme you have there. It looks very slick <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    I think there is a difference between the CSS you entered into the admin panel and the CSS you entered into your themes CSS file as I was able to cut and paste the code in your themes sheet to another sheet placed at the end of your HEAD and it worked fine in Firefox. I’m currently trying to test it in Safari but my Safari install doesn’t seem to be behaving <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />


    After a five minute load time (!) your page rendered fine for me in Safari too.


    Thanks Ryan!

    I have gone back and copied the suckerfish part of my theme’s css to the field in the admin panel but still the same. Just to be clear, the drop-down does work in Firefox but when the post just below it is a YouTube video, the video disappears when I hover over the drop-down. Can you please let me know whether this happens to you too?

    You mention that you copied the CSS to a file at the end of HEAD (I assume you mean the theme’s header.php file?) Can you please give me some more details on what you did? Currently, I call the sucker fish plugin () from menu.php which itself is called from index.php (). I have tried putting () directly at the end of header.php instead but it made no difference to the video disappearing when I hover over the drop down menus.


    AFAIK the dropdowns will appear over the top of YouTube videos. I think the reason it is not working for you is due to a CSS issue in your theme. There isn’t much I can do without a link to your site though, so if you pass that on I’ll see what I can do.

    By HEAD I was referring to the <head> tags, not the header.php file.


    The site is at

    You can find the CSS for my theme at … /style.css

    I would really appreciate it if you could point me to the part of the theme’s style-sheet that is causing the issues.

    Many thanks,


    I can’t replicate your problem. The menu is overlaying on top of the YouTube video no problem with Firefox 2.0. Is this perhaps a browser specific issue? If so, which browser is causing the trouble?



    It’s Firefox (For Mac OS X) that causes the problem. May be a platform related issue. Thanks for looking into this.



    Hmm, it might be related to the flash install rather than the browser.

    You could try increasing the z-index to overlay the video. I don’t have a Mac to try it on unfortunately though.

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