Right Click to Open Slimbox2

Forums Forums Slimbox2 plugin Right Click to Open Slimbox2

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    I’m wondering how I can make the slimbox2 open with right-click and to disable the ‘view background image’ option by right-clicking, as done on the images of this site:


    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


    If you want to let it open on a right-click, I’m guessing you’d probably have to override the context menu on the images. Not sure how you’d go about doing that, but go ahead and do an internet search.

    And regarding your next question about disabling background images….I have no idea what you’re talking about…. aside from right-click working the same as left-click I didn’t see anything notably different with the site you linked to.


    You can’t disable ‘view background image’ per se, but you can disable right clicking in general. Since the lightbox loads a separate page effectively, I assume you could write the javascript so that it only fired inside the lightbox itself.

    There’s hundreds of scripts scattered around the web which disable right clicking. Some Googling should find a bunch fairly quickly.


    The context menu is actually disabled when you mouseover the regular images, not after the lightbox loads. It’s still doable, just different.

    I still don’t understand the background image question he asked, unless he just meant the opacity of the background…

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