WPlize and a suggestion

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    I had a flick through your source files today and saw that you are using something called WPlize.

    This seems to be for storing all of your options inside a single option to help performance and make the options list less messy.

    However, I’ve actually got the latest alpha version (unreleased) of the PixoPoint Menu plugin working like this, without needing any additional code. I’m just inserting them as an array and they’re all nicely storing in the WP database inside a single option.

    Do you know if there is any advantage to using WPlize? Or perhaps the process which I’m using was created after you added WPlize to the WP Slimbox2 plugin?

    I also have a feature suggestion: Either using wp_enqueue_style() to load the stylesheet and/or adding an option to the settings page to allow the built in stylesheet to be deactivated.

    I’m trying to reduce the number of http requests and incorporating the Slimbox2 CSS inside my main CSS file would be a good way to remove one of those requests.

    I’m also looking at removing the .php files which generated javascript within my own plugin(s). I’m starting to think that the benefits of loading the scripts externally is being outweighed by the number of users who are experiencing slow-downs due to the extra server resources being used. I looked into using $_GET to grab the data and dynamically inserting it into the JS file that way, but every WP PHP expert I’ve suggested it to has shot that idea down as being stupid due to a combination of inefficiencies (which I don’t agree with) and potential security issues.


    If memory serves (I haven’t looked that heavily at the code in nearly a year…) WPlize is basically just a pre-written method of doing what you’re doing with your own code, it’s storing everything in an array that’s stored in the WP database.

    The main benefit of using WPlize, I think, was that it basically already had pre-written handy tools, similar to those in WP for non-array options, to create/delete/manipulate each option.

    I think we discussed your feature suggestions once before, it’s definitely something I’m looking into.


    I forgot to mention before that the reason I asked for wp_enqueue_style() is because that would allow me to write a mega small plugin unhooked the stylesheet out. It would save you having to add an extra option into the plugin that way. Not many people will care about the extra stylesheet anyway, I’m just being picky and those who are picky like me could just use my simple plugin – which I’d post for download for anyone that had a use for it.


    One other bonus … it allows plugins to concatenate a users CSS files and place them all inside a single dynamically generated CSS file to save on http requests.

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