Thanks and some suggestions

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  • #115

    I wanted to congratulate you a wicked plug-in! I have question along with some suggestions.

    Do you know if it possible to change the name of pages to something like services?

    The top pages link links to nothing, e.g.

    It would be nice to be able to create a custom drop down category name then link to a post of your choice.

    I have given you a link here, … s-plugins/

    Could you give me a link under live example to: SpotOn SEO Services[/url:2fpe68d5]



    I’ve added your link in the live examples.

    The only way to edit the name is by editing by the ryans_suckerfish.php file directly and there’s quite a few places you would need to edit it at. A search and replace may do the trick, although you’d need to make sure didn’t remove any of the wp_list_pages functions in the process.

    That is a great idea though and I’ll try to implement an option for that in the admin panel in a future release. If I do, I’ll add a link to your site in the credits section on the WordPress repository.

    Linking to a post of your choice would be more complicated than just editing the plugin. You would need to edit the function itself directly, although that is something I might add to a future plugin version as well.


    I had a second thought on my comment below.

    An easier way to solve your problem would be to recreate the suckerfish(); function directly. Something like the follows would display dropdowns for pages and categories for example. Then you could manually change the # to whatever URL you choose, thereby making the parent link clickable and you could change the text for ‘Pages’ and ‘Categories’ to whatever you want.

    [code:he6g33zu]<ul id="suckerfishnav">
    <li><a href="#">Pages</a>
    <ul><?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=’); ?></ul>
    <li><a href="#">Categories</a>
    <ul><?php wp_list_categories(‘title_li=’); ?></ul>

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