CSS questions and observations

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    Hi guys, great plugin!  <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    I have used the PixoPoint Multi-level Navigation Plugin to create a  top navigation on a site I used WordPress as a CMS for here: http://www.adamshousedental.com/

    Basically I only wanted some of the pages and their children to go along the dropdown and I have a few questions about the functionality:

    1. How do you alter the order of the pages? There seems to be the ability to order but not page order.

    2. The CSS input option under the Appearance tab didn’t work for me and I pasted it into my themes CSS and it worked.

    3. When I had created the CSS the first time at your CSS generator page I could never select the child pages of the drop down as the hover only worked over the page link not the 40px line height box it is in. I solved this by reducing the line height but I wonder if there’s a way of increasing the depth of the navigation bar so that the dropdowns work?

    &quot;robcub&quot; wrote:
    1. How do you alter the order of the pages? There seems to be the ability to order but not page order.

    There is an option to do that under one of the tabs in the admin page.

    &quot;robcub&quot; wrote:
    2. The CSS input option under the Appearance tab didn’t work for me and I pasted it into my themes CSS and it worked.

    It’s possible that your server is not able to serve the built in stylesheet for some reason. Do you perhaps have your wp-content folder moved from the regular position? That could potentially cause it to glitch.

    &quot;robcub&quot; wrote:
    3. When I had created the CSS the first time at your CSS generator page I could never select the child pages of the drop down as the hover only worked over the page link not the 40px line height box it is in. I solved this by reducing the line height but I wonder if there’s a way of increasing the depth of the navigation bar so that the dropdowns work?

    Sorry, I don’t understand the question.


    Thanks for getting back to me, Ryan.

    1. Is it under the Menu Contents tab? I still can’t see it. Sorry for being dense. It says: "You may order your categories by Ascending ID #, Descending ID # or alphabetically, Ascending Name or Descending Name." but nothing about pages.

    2. I don’t have my wp-content folder moved from the regular position.

    3. Sorry to explain badly. When hovering over one of the navigation links that has a drop down, the drop down would only drop down when cursor was hovering over the word of the link (for example, see above on your site, the word would be "Products"). Now on mine if the cursor then starts to move down towards the drop down it passes the word and passes through the green of the navigation panel. At that point the hover stops working and the drop down disappears which makes the drop down inoperable. I got past this by reducing the line height of the navigation panel so that the sub-pages could be selected in the drop down. But it wondered what I was doing wrong.

    But never mind, it’s a great plugin and, most importantly, it works!

    <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    1. To be honest, I can’t recall exactly which tab it’s under. In the PixoPoint menu plugin it’s in the pull-down for the Pages box.

    2. Perhaps you have set the "use theme CSS" option in the admin panel?

    3. There’s probably something in the following tag causing it to glitch (just a guess on my part though):
    [code:22jclgqa]<div id="nav"> [/code:22jclgqa]


    Thanks for all your help, Ryan, great plugin


    Sorry, I actually think there isn’t an option to do that in the Multi-level navigation plugin. I’ve been working on the PixoPoint Menu plugin lots lately and what features are in what plugin and what version are becoming fuddled in my mind!


    I don’t think so. But never mind I’ll check out the Menu plugin next time. Thanks alot for your help, Ryan


    OK. This is just in case. But can anybody have a quick look at http://www.adamshousedental.com/ and see why it’s not working in IE?

    &quot;robcub&quot; wrote:
    OK. This is just in case. But can anybody have a quick look at http://www.adamshousedental.com/ and see why it’s not working in IE?

    That’s probably caused by the following tag and it’s corresponding closing tag:
    [code:31hgfxmo]<div id="nav"> [/code:31hgfxmo]


    Thanks Ryan. I don’t understand what could be wrong with that tag the only CSS values for that tag are:
    [code:18ytwpuv]#nav{margin-top: 260px;}[/code:18ytwpuv]


    Then it’s not that tag.

    I’m not sure what the following script does, but it seems somehow related to that tag as well:
    [code:xoab1elj]<script type="text/javascript"><!–//–><![CDATA[//><!–
    startList = function() {
    if (document.all&&document.getElementById) {
    navRoot = document.getElementById("nav");
    for (i=0; i<navRoot.childNodes.length; i++) {
    node = navRoot.childNodes[i];
    if (node.nodeName=="LI") {
    node.onmouseover=function() {
    this.className+=" over";
    node.onmouseout=function() {
    this.className=this.className.replace(" over", "");

    //–><!]]></script> [/code:xoab1elj]

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