PixoPoint Menu Plugin CSS Current Page

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  • #1109

    Sorry, I tried the forum search but it doesn’t work for some reason. I’ve installed PixoPoint Menu Plugin 0.6.15 and it seems to work well, with one exception. There is no current page or active status, which seems a little curious. Not sure if this is the default or if I’m missing something. Either way I need to remedy this.

    In my research I found reference to current_page_item which I do not see anywhere in the pixopoint css. I assume this should be in pixopoint-menu/css/style.php input via the Advanced admin panel. If someone could advise me of what code to use to apply this class, I’d really appreciate it. Or any other ideas.



    The plugin definitely outputs the current_page_item class. Our [iurl=https://geek.hellyer.kiwi/services/advanced-features/]Advanced Features[/iurl] option adds support for styling the current and parent pages differently in the [iurl=https://geek.hellyer.kiwi/products/suckerfish_css/]CSS generator[/iurl].

    "Ryan" wrote:
    The plugin definitely outputs the current_page_item class. Our [iurl=https://geek.hellyer.kiwi/services/advanced-features/]Advanced Features[/iurl] option adds support for styling the current and parent pages differently in the [iurl=https://geek.hellyer.kiwi/products/suckerfish_css/]CSS generator[/iurl].

    Hi Ryan,

    Thanks for the reply. I need to clarify your statement. Are you saying that showing an active state is not included in the basic code but is considered something which needs to be configured separately (and paid for)?

    My concern is not for dropdown or bread crumb navigation but simply for the main navigation bar (in this case we are using the dazzle_grey). I can modify the drop down colors, etc. but I don’t see where to implement an active state for the Main navbar. I do see "current_page_item" in core.php but not where to control it’s CSS. I imagine the active status would replicate the hover class effect (the lighter color). If I am misunderstanding something, I apologize.



    The plugin itself supports current_page_item hence you can see it in the plugin files, but you need CSS which makes the current page items appear differently for it to do anything. You can either custom code the CSS in, which is too complicated to explain here or you can upgrade to the Advanced Features option to get get support for displaying your current pages, parent pages etc. differently.


    Okay, I understand. Thank you.

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