Home link?

Forums Forums Menus Home link?

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    I would love to have a home link on my navigation bar. Love the plugin!


    Glad to hear you like the plugin <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> I’ll provide an example of how to add a home page button on the demo page tonight.

    EDIT: New version has this functionality built in via the function suckerfish().


    Glad to hear you like the plugin <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> I’ll provide an example of how to add a home page button on the demo page tonight.

    EDIT: New version has this functionality built in via the function suckerfish().


    Because the navbar uses the entire width of the layout, and Categories is the last item on it, the sub sub menus fly out to the right, so are unreadable. I think I can fix that in the css, but you may want to consider it as you have for including a home link. Again, I fixed that myself, but some folks are scared to mess with CSS.
    I like the one line of code, I might just swap it out with the code I put in yesterday, should I de-activate the plugin first?


    Because the navbar uses the entire width of the layout, and Categories is the last item on it, the sub sub menus fly out to the right, so are unreadable. I think I can fix that in the css, but you may want to consider it as you have for including a home link. Again, I fixed that myself, but some folks are scared to mess with CSS.
    I like the one line of code, I might just swap it out with the code I put in yesterday, should I de-activate the plugin first?


    I hadn’t thought of the sub menus blowing out the side of the screen like that. The easiest solution to get around that is to decrease the font size in the CSS a notch or two. To use the simplified template code, you need to download the new version of the plugin and replace you existing files with it. You don’t need to deactivate and reactivate it, the changes will be automatic. Your old code will still work with the new plugin too, so if you change your template code after installing the new plugin you won’t have any downtime. But if you use the new code now your WordPress install will probably report an error I assume (I haven’t tried it).


    I hadn’t thought of the sub menus blowing out the side of the screen like that. The easiest solution to get around that is to decrease the font size in the CSS a notch or two. To use the simplified template code, you need to download the new version of the plugin and replace you existing files with it. You don’t need to deactivate and reactivate it, the changes will be automatic. Your old code will still work with the new plugin too, so if you change your template code after installing the new plugin you won’t have any downtime. But if you use the new code now your WordPress install will probably report an error I assume (I haven’t tried it).


    Hi Ryan. Love your plugin. We have another live site for you, and it looks purdy too.
    I have a question though. This site has archives since 2006. Is there a way to code the archives so that there is a submenu (flyout) for the months of each individual year? I know how to do this in CSS unordered lists, but php? Not so much.
    And she has a fair amount of archives.


    Hi Ryan. Love your plugin. We have another live site for you, and it looks purdy too.
    I have a question though. This site has archives since 2006. Is there a way to code the archives so that there is a submenu (flyout) for the months of each individual year? I know how to do this in CSS unordered lists, but php? Not so much.
    And she has a fair amount of archives.


    http://www.dutchblitz.net/ has now been added to the list of live examples.


    http://www.dutchblitz.net/ has now been added to the list of live examples.


    Witchypoo – I haven’t figured out how to do the years as flyouts, but I have figured out how to add them as plain yearly links instead of monthly ones. The following code will do the job, just replace it instead of the <?php suckerfish5() ?> code I assume you were using before.

    echo ‘<ul id="suckerfishnav">
    <li><a href="’ , bloginfo(‘url’) , ‘/">Home</a></li>
    ‘ , wp_list_pages(‘title_li=’) , ‘
    <li><a href="#">Archives</a>
    <ul>’ , wp_get_archives(type=yearly) , ‘</ul>
    <li><a href="#">Categories</a>
    <ul>’ , wp_list_categories(‘title_li=’) , ‘</ul>
    </li></ul>’ ?>[/code:2yuoqdio]

    I haven’t tested this, so just let me know if it doesn’t work and I’ll look into it.


    Witchypoo – I haven’t figured out how to do the years as flyouts, but I have figured out how to add them as plain yearly links instead of monthly ones. The following code will do the job, just replace it instead of the <?php suckerfish5() ?> code I assume you were using before.

    echo ‘<ul id="suckerfishnav">
    <li><a href="’ , bloginfo(‘url’) , ‘/">Home</a></li>
    ‘ , wp_list_pages(‘title_li=’) , ‘
    <li><a href="#">Archives</a>
    <ul>’ , wp_get_archives(type=yearly) , ‘</ul>
    <li><a href="#">Categories</a>
    <ul>’ , wp_list_categories(‘title_li=’) , ‘</ul>
    </li></ul>’ ?>[/code:2yuoqdio]

    I haven’t tested this, so just let me know if it doesn’t work and I’ll look into it.


    Well, actually, I miscommunicated. Each year should be a submenu item, with the months for that year as the flyouts.


    Well, actually, I miscommunicated. Each year should be a submenu item, with the months for that year as the flyouts.

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