JS-error in Superrfish

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  • #1096

    It appear to be an error in on of the Multi Level Navigation Plugin-files:

    (Explorer 8 reports it as an error).

    [b:2sk39j9i]Object doesn’t support this property or method
    Line: 2
    Char: 2
    Code: 0
    URI: http://www.ordne.no/wp-content/plugins/ … hp?ver=1.0[/b:2sk39j9i]

    I use the menu on several of my sites:
    http://www.ordne.no (On the last one, the menus children will not become visible when parents are hovered over, I have no idea why. CSS is ok and I havent touched the plugin core, but here I am using WP 2.8.4).
    Is it noone with any explanation what to do?


    No idea sorry. I don’t know much about javascript.

    If you find a solution or explanation for the problem I’d love to hear about it though in case it is an issue with the plugin.

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